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Maybe you can borrow the history book when they’re done with it.
Someone needs to pick up a Chinese history book…
Considering that Taiwan has been de facto an independent country for a long time, its easy to see why “forever maintaining the status quo” is the best choice for most people.
Declaring independence from China when they are already functionally independent from China would just be kicking a hornet’s nest. The outcome of a war with China would end in either a bloody defeat in which their country would be leveled and their freedoms taken away, or a bloody victory resulting in… the current status quo, just with lots of dead people.
So why would your average citizen desire anything but the status quo? They’re already a free country, this question is just asking them if they’d like a war for the fun of it, or their freedoms taken away.
I know you joke, but that’s already in the game.
This is the weirdest take I’ve seen on Astarion…
He’s not part vampire, he is a vampire. He is definitionally an evil, undead monster.
But also, he’s not a rapist. He never rapes anyone in the game, and he never tries to rape anyone in the game. When he flirts with you, if you turn him down he backs down immediately and accepts that no means no. Hell, when he tries to bite you if you say no he backs down immediately and accepts that no means no too.
You’re also given plenty of chances to kick him out of your party and to even attack him, precisely because he is an evil undead monster. For Astarion to hang around, you have to explicitly allow him to do so.
Call him a monster, call him evil, but comparing him with a rapist is just so far out there and makes no sense at all.
I was doing a battle with a metric fuckton of enemies, and I was screaming at the screen because I was so bored waiting to finally get a turn.
You’ve captured the real tabletop D&D experience!
To me, video games are never worth 60 dollars. Ever.
Was a video game worth $40 in 1995? Because if you paid that back then, that’s the equivalent to $80 today.
So yea, paying $60 sucks, but game prices haven’t kept up with inflation at all. Not to mention the $40 game in 1995 took a dozen guys months to create, while a $60 game today takes 5+ years and hundreds of people.
Same here!!
Makes sense. Cause it would have been perfectly OK if he carved his name into, say, something at Disney World, or a stranger’s house, since those are newer structures…
So you decided to make a pro-China anti-US argument by linking to a flat-earther meme?
You alright there?