This is the type of high-brow conversation that keeps me on Lemmy.
This is the type of high-brow conversation that keeps me on Lemmy.
…that has no bearing on the fact that they’re both bad policy as measured by their impact on this country.
I believe he ruined any such claim with his work on criminal justice legislation long before he endorsed genocide of a captive population.
No offense, but is this move motivated by a true need to move ASAP? Because this doesn’t really read like it was written by someone in their thirties. Frankly, if it’s not a true need, it doesn’t seem from this post that you’re in a financial position to do this on anything close to a safe manner. And thus: if this is just a desire, no matter how strong the impulse is, it sounds like you need to wait.
I am not trying to be patronizing or condescending: I would just hate to see someone put themselves at the mercy of the world like it seems you may be about to.
How come? I don’t have a stake in it, I’m just curious any time someone has a strong opinion on an instance, especially since I just joined .world and never looked back/around.
The bottom right, for sure!
Ubuntu but with an Arch wallpaper? You madman
What? I’m American and everyone I know owns one.
Yep! And their short-sighted greed is going to drive us right to the brink of annihilation. We’re staring down the barrel of environmental collapse and our leaders are generally either old enough they assume they’ll die before it gets “that bad,” and the others stupidly think money makes them immune to the destruction of the biosphere. Anyone under 50 right now is going to live through some incredibly dark times. We are all dogs in a car with the windows closed and the heater on in a Texas parking lot. Business as usual is going to get really ugly, really quickly, really soon.
I’m sorry to be the spelling guy but it’s “forbid” not “phorbid”
I’ve seen footage!
The civilians of Gaza, clearly and inarguably. They have been living for decades under aerial surveillance, need IDF permits to even visit a hospital outside Gaza, which is often necessary as the hospitals within Gaza have been under supplied for years. They also had the Israeli army only allow food imports sufficient to keep the population just above starvation levels. And the whole time, armed Israeli “civilians” have been forcibly evicting Palestinians from their homes in land to which Israel has no claim under international law.
To argue that a violent reaction to that kind of life makes anyone morally blameworthy is callous, bigoted, inhumane, and plainly wrong. If you think that, honestly, I am sorry for you.
It’s almost as if, and hear me out guys, ISRAEL ARE NOT THE GOOD GUYS HERE.
Beat me to it!
Renounce the sky; become mole people.
Exactly! This isn’t about monetization, so raw numbers don’t matter. As long as a given community has enough active members to promote continued use and provide its members with interesting material, that’s enough.
Real OGs peer beyond the *nix veil and graduate to TempleOS
No no no this will be fineeeee it’ll all be fineeeeeee cries in world war final edition
Same! Not to knock Mastdon, but I feel like I don’t get it in the same way I never got Twitter. Does that make sense? Somehow, microblogging doesn’t click for me.
As if we needed further proof that that man is a lunatic and a moron.