This comment made me hope china gives iran nukes
This comment made me hope china gives iran nukes
Optical disks rot even in perfect storage conditions. There’s no failure proof storage solution easily available.
sysadmin of sorts. My job description is different day by day.
Executive dysfunction is damn near disabling when I’m not medicated. I struggle with it & decision paralysis even when medicated. It’s an unfortunate issue that I’m unsure I’ll ever work through.
“at worst it spits out garbage code that you spend more time debugging than if you had just written it by yourself.”
I’ve not experienced this. Debugging for me is always faster than writing something entirely from scratch.
He didn’t say the government owned Facebook. Even so, it doesn’t need to own it to control the flow of information.
Comedian who runs a podcast. This is an important event imo because he rubs shoulders with right wing dumbasses and has them in his audience as well. The more they hear opposing viewpoints the better.
It was for me, I’m not sure if it’s universal. Consider talking to a professional if you’re concerned about it.
This was a symptom of ADHD that I discussed with my doctor when I got diagnosed tbh
Palestinians want the right to return from where they were ethnically cleansed, Israel wants to maintain a Jewish majority state.
What is the point of this comment? Linus was childish as hell in the email chain and started a bunch of drama for literally no reason. I’m not mad as much as I am embarrassed to be a part of the Linux community when things like this happen.
People are more mad about how he did it rather than just the action he took. If he just explained why without being a prick nobody would care.
Gnome on laptop, KDE on desktop. I go back and forth with those DEs.
The dems are not bringing your rights back. Project 2025 is happening regardless of who wins president due to how captured the court system is.
I don’t think there’s any number of palestinian deaths that will convince american politicians that they’re in the wrong. Anyone who believes the US and it’s close allies are moral leaders have not been paying attention.