I only use voice to interact with my phone when I’m driving and want to set a destination, or if I’m at home and can’t find my phone.
Somehow I doubt that AI will help tell me my phone fell off the nightstand and is half way under the bed.
— GPG Proofs —
This is an OpenPGP proof that connects my OpenPGP key to this Lemmy account. For details check out https://keyoxide.org/guides/openpgp-proofs
[ Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:27265882624f80fe7deb8b2bca75b6ec61a21f8f ]
I only use voice to interact with my phone when I’m driving and want to set a destination, or if I’m at home and can’t find my phone.
Somehow I doubt that AI will help tell me my phone fell off the nightstand and is half way under the bed.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear - I use PowerDNS so that I can more easily deploy services that can be resolved by my internal networks (deployed via Kubernetes or Terraform). In my case, the secondary PowerDNS server does regular zone transfers from the primary in order to ensure it has a copy of all A, PTR, CNAME, etc records.
But PowerDNS (and all DNS servers really), can either be authoritative resolvers or recursors. In my case, the PDNS servers are authoritative for my homelab zone/domain and they perform recursive lookups (with caching) for non-authoritative domains like google.com, infosec.pub, etc. By pointing my PDNS servers to PiHole for recursive lookups, I ensure that I have ad blocking while still allowing for my automation to handle the homelab records.
This is overkill.
I have a dedicated raspberry pi for pihole, then two VMs running PowerDNS in Master/Slave mode. The PDNS servers use the Pihole as their primary recursive lookup, followed by some other Internet privacy DNS server that I can’t recall right now.
If I need to do maintenance on the pihole, power DNS can fall back to the internet DNS server. If I need to do updates on the PowerDNS cluster, I can do it one at a time to reduce the outage window.
EDIT: I should have phrased the first sentence: “My setup is overkill” rather than “This is overkill” - the Op is asking a very valid question and the passive phrasing of my post’s first sentence could be taken multiple ways.
I put my Plex media server to work doing Ollama - it has a GPU for transcoding that’s not awful for simple LLMs.
That’s why I’ve stopped using non-local LLMs. Ollama works just fine on my outdated GTX 2060.
Hosting on the public web isn’t too crazy - start with port forwarding on standard ports (443 for sale/web) and add in a dynamic DNS address.
More than likely your residential ISP doesn’t change your IP that often, but Dynamic DNS solves that problem before it hits. I use Cloudflare, but mostly because I’m lazy and haven’t moved off of them after their most recent sketch behavior.
But the prices will come down if tariffs are removed, right? Right!?
Sure! I mostly followed this random youtuber’s video for getting Wyoming protocols offloaded (Whisper/Piper), but he didn’t get Ollama to use his GPU: https://youtu.be/XvbVePuP7NY.
For getting the Nvidia/Docker passthrough, I used this guide: https://www.bittenbypython.com/en/posts/install_ollama_openwebui_ubuntu_nvidia/.
It’s working fairly great at this point!
It is, and it’s been revived! https://github.com/maforget/ComicRackCE
I spun up a new Plex server with a decent GPU - and decided to try offloading Home Assistant’s Preview Voice Assistant TTS/STT to it. That’s all working as of yesterday, including an Ollama LLM for processing.
Last on my list is figuring out how to get Home Assistant to help me find my phone.
This is the way. Layer 3 separation for services you wish to access outside of the home network and the rest of your stuff, with a VPN endpoint exposed for remote access.
It may be overkill, but I have several VLANs for specific traffic:
There are two new additions: a ext-vpn VLAN and a egress-vpn VLAN. I spun up a VM that’s dual homed running its own Wireguard/OpenVPN client on the egress side, serving DHCP on the ext-vpn side. The latter has its own wireless ssid so that anyone who connects to it is automatically on a VPN into a non-US country.
How do signal chats work if I already use signal with my full name? Can I say for a group chat to just use my nick instead?
Restic to Wasabi S3.
For the nginx reverse proxy - that’s how I ran things prior to moving to microk8s. If you want I can dig out some config examples. The trick for me was to set up host based stanzas, then update my internal DNS to have A records for each docker service pointing to the same docker host.
With Kubes + external-dns + nginx ingress, I can just do a deployment/service/ingress and things automatically work now.
I love my Synology DS1618 - it’s a bit older now, but the 10Gbps is a delight.
I want to move my 4x SFP+ from their current MicroTik switch to my new Brocade. Then I’m very strongly debating running both VM and Ceph over the same 10Gbps connections, removing the ugly USB Ethernet dongles from my three Proxmox Lenovo M920q boxes.
After that? Maybe look at finally migrating Vault off my ClusterHat to Kubernetes.
First off, having been through IVF (unsuccessfully unfortunately) I wish you and your wife the best. I’ve found people who haven’t gone through it tend to minimize the process and it can feel isolating and frustrating. If you want someone to chat about it - dm me on Mastodon (@pezhore@infosec.exchange).
Secondly, I wouldn’t look as much at the bodily autonomy but more at the “life begins at inception” / fetal personhood stuff. That’s the stuff that significantly impacts IVF and how non-viable eggs/zygotes are handled. Of course bodily autonomy is important for if the process works but complications occur after implantation.
That’s why I googled it as a Harris voter. I’ve read the high level talking points, listened to the podcasts calling out the big bads - but it’s like 900 pages. I was hoping for a pdf that would give me some roadmap of the utter shit storm heading my way.
Those are beasts! My homelab has three of them in a Proxmox cluster. I love that for not a ton of extra money you can throw in a PCIe expansion slot and the power consumption for all three is less than my second hand Dell Tower server.