It’s strange that Kohl’s is dying. Every time I go in there it’s full of customers with long lines at the checkout.
It’s strange that Kohl’s is dying. Every time I go in there it’s full of customers with long lines at the checkout.
Heaven forbid it becomes its own company/a non profit.
Spending all that money on an automobile, and not bothering to park it in the garage.
That display had some cool features that were underutilized — like an s-video port for video camera capture. Also some of the best sound to come out of an Apple monitor.
But I don’t know that I would call this a”console”.
I never understood the choice to put a flowchart on the front of this one. 😆
Why does there have to be just one? So many consoles are awesomely designed and reflect their eras well. I’m partial to colecovision and the Intellivision II. The redesign of the intellivision had an entire suite of peripherals to match the new design, including a musical keyboard.
I think you misunderstood my point. Wasteful non-biodegradable, non-recyclable packaging is a relatively recent thing. Before plastics came along, food was packaged safely in variants of paper, glass, steel, and aluminum. There’s no reason we couldn’t go back to the pre-plastics way of doing things other than convenience and maximizing profit.
Also biodegradable plastics exist, but they aren’t used as much because they cost slightly more than the non-biodegradable ones and companies don’t want to lose those pennies with every sale. If there was a tax on non-biodegradable plastic for any use outside the medical field, it would probably fix this.
Safe food packaging existed before non-biodegradable plastics.
Lindsay Graham? He of the flippity floppity? The same guy who said Trump will destroy everything and then proceeded to support him anyway?
Yeah, don’t listen to that guy. He has no spine.
Pac-Man/Ms. Pac Man.
There are English speakers on Lemmy too. And some of them post Chinese propaganda. I wouldn’t doubt if a lot of this “surge” is manufactured/faked.
Is any reporter going to actually look into this? I have serious doubts that a slew of English speaking TikTok users who can barely use their phones to begin with are going to mass migrate to a Chinese language app just to watch lame ass videos. This really feels like some sort of propaganda campaign.
This sounds like such made up bullshit.
YouTube charges too much. It costs more than Netflix! They need like a $6/mo plan or something.
I recommend “Severance” on AppleTV. Also recommend “Shining Girls”. AppleTV is free this weekend.
Season one of Silo was great. Season two is a poorly edited mess.
Let’s hope it stays an “add on”.
You can also see him play one behind the scenes of “Terminator Salvation”.
It would be really stupid to use AI to teach kids. We can’t even get that technology to work correctly for summarizing notifications or providing accurate search results.