Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
Sexual assault victims have a time limit. Copyright infringement “victims” do not. Tracks.
yeah, I’ve been really fortunate.
That’s a thought I had as well, and based on my extremely limited knowledge and research I think it’s the conflict that’s being avoided. Rather than dealing with the person directly, you use indirect actions that signal the expected result when taken in that social context and then let the pressure of those expectations generate the result you need without you ever directly doing anything. My understanding is that the pressure is pretty enormous, your coworkers will basically shun you out of fear of being targeted themselves and resentment for all the work you’re not doing that they have to pick up instead.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I have to work. I do, because I like the work and I like the company I work for a lot, but I’m fairly confident that I could just show up to meetings twice a week and fudge paperwork for quite a while before anyone caught on that I’m just a hole they’re dumping money into.
I wouldn’t recommend anyone become a software engineer but its worked for me
I’ve been reading Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs and evidently they don’t fire people in Japan. If they want rid of you, they just give you less and less to do until you’re sitting in the office all day getting paid to do nothing, and the cultural expectation is that you quit out of shame rather than just accepting money for nothing.
a quiet quitter is someone who does their job. they use a lot of tone, insinuation and connotation talking about it, but if you press them for a definition, a quiet quitter is someone who does their job.
tacit admission that you started a business but you really wanted to start a cult. tell you what: you start paying me as much as you possibly can regardless of our employment agreement, I’ll start working as much as I possibly can regardless of our employment agreement.
your conclusion doesn’t follow from your premise. the ability to live indoors is going to be important to people even if they think the system by which we decide who is allowed to live indoors is kinda shit.
How do you think it came to be that most Americans believe that in China you can have your home seized for being impolite?
bizarre restrictions around background play
there’s nothing bizarre about it - the free version is shitty on purpose
I agree, it’s what you do with the money. Jesus tells you what to do with the money, and either you do that or you don’t.
I’d be curious to see some actual source on that. Shit like that happens all the time and I find it fascinating.
That Jesus talks of a rich person here is irrelevant
it’s your god, of what he says you get to decide what to ignore and what to value
In fact, they like to think that the verses only make sense out of context. No matter how many other verses you can cite across multiple books where Christ makes it clear He’s commanding you to abandon the idea of worldly, material possessions and dedicate yourself and your wealth to helping other people and spreading the word, they’ll go “No it was just a gate” and keep not doing what Christ told them to while pretending to be Christians.
okay, but you can look at the specific perplexing or illogical view when making that judgment and if that specific illogical view is designed to promote your own wealth the needle on the bullshitometer moves a bit closer to “grifter”
God can save anyone.
Well yeah, but if you’re a Christian you believe that it’s literally God telling you that you can’t be rich and go to heaven. God may make an exception, but it would be just as absurd for you to count on being an exception to this rule as it would be for you to count on being the exception to the rule that “none come to the father but through me”. If you’re rich, you’re just as damned as if you were never Christian to begin with.
Christians are so desperate to ignore Christ that they literally made up a gate that they called The Eye of the Needle and said that’s what Christ was talking about. This gate, which definitely never existed and was not at all what Christ was referring to, was supposedly a bit narrower than other gates and a camel could get through it if it was only carrying a moderate amount of wealth rather than an extreme amount.
Remember this the next time someone in government says “We need tough anti-terrorism laws”. They also get to define what counts as terrorism, so anyone inconvenient can be destroyed and the public told “We’re just keeping you safe from terrorism.”