But that would interrupt our coffee supply and–
Actually, never mind. Do it.
But that would interrupt our coffee supply and–
Actually, never mind. Do it.
As an American, I also like buying European made stuff.
Especially the beer. So much higher quality than some of the carbonated swill we call beer.
cough cough budweiser cough
Lol, nope. Warrant first, along with the judge’s affidavit that is supposed to come with it.
Don’t have those? Well, that sounds like a big bowl of “not my problem”.
Well, that’s… unexpectedly reasonable.
EDIT: Unexpectedly reasonable for the cops to be even remotely altruistic. Unfortunately in this day and age, I was fully expecting the cops to just curbstomp the poor kid.
To me, the term “Web3 games” sounds like they’re trying to make a knockoff of Cookie Clicker with NFTs.
Looks like you can leave that field blank, and it’ll still work.
Monkrus is GenP, but prepackaged into the installer, if I’m remembering the GenP subreddit wiki correctly.
Yep, GenP is what I used for Substance Painter.
There doesn’t appear to be a lemmy community for it yet, but the old subreddit is still active.
Thought they were a US politics trolling bot. Then they edited the comment and specified Israel.
I blame Reddit and Twitter, now I have to assume everything is a bot.
Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me what plant nutrient deficiency causes chlorosis in the lower leaves.
Do you have the onion link for this site? I got this onion URL from both wikipedia and a z-library subreddit wiki, but I’d like some independent verification first.
Then again, I could just spool up a disposable email and use that for a test account.
The other side is concerning as well. This list could also be used by individuals looking to do some targeted harassment. Or worse.
The sponsor segments in GrayStillPlays’ videos are the only ones I remember, mostly because he ran the sponsor merch over with a lawnmower.
I doubt that for two reasons:
There’s no non-admin way for an app to discern if it’s a firewall block, or a legitimate no-internet situation (i.e. didn’t purchase in-flight WiFi). It would also look really bad PR-wise if a company banned customers just because their internet went down or was otherwise spotty.
How would they even know? Their software can’t tattle on me if it’s been blocked from establishing a connection.
Thankfully I don’t do anything that requires me to have Photoshop, but if I did, I’d be explicitly blocking all outbound connections in the firewall.
Wine and other liquor bottles too. Go check that sticker, I guarantee you it’s measured in milliliters.
The political equivalent of grade school bullying. It even has the exact same consequences for your reputation, except now it’s global instead of being limited to that school building.