Wtf is wrong with you?!
Or you could tear the Dyson hand dryer off the wall and carefully jimmy the door open with it
Ok thanks.
I’m willing to sacrifice some FOSS for convenience, as long as it’s reasonable. But in general I’m a strong supporter of open source and publish my own code that way.
Yeah I’m 100% fine with the functionality. I prefer to keep my life simple. Thanks.
I don’t know if you’re being serious or sarcastic.
I use Safari with Apple’s private relay and various ad blockers and have been quite happy. Are there reasons to be concerned? (other than Apple=bad)
And colostomy bags
Video games and heavy metal I found is good for my mental health
No one stopped her from complaining
So is there a Lemmy/kbin equivalent?
Didn’t we just finish one circuit of this merry-go-round 6 days ago?
I am also curious. Especially whether there’s some Lemmy-specific feature, or if it’s just up to the way you connect, and some apps are integrating with an image service directly.
I see a book release in his near future
These conversations bring the weirdest people out of the woodwork. I remember talking with a guy who explained to me how crap Apple laptops were because you (according to him) can’t customise them. Turns out he’d never owned or even used an Apple laptop. I was like, why do you care?! Especially about something you have no experience with!
I did the same. Then realised I could follow most of the more interesting kbin magazines from lemmy. So that’s where I’ve stayed.
Also, having a mobile app is probably the second most important thing to me (after content). And lemmy has lots of options there.
Haha that sounds like an adventure :D
Thanks, appreciate the concern and advice. But I’m good.
In terms of such apps, I can highly recommend downdog if you’re on iOS. They cover yoga, mindfulness and other areas.
This resonates with me … sadly
Seems to be a know bug and fixed I the latest test flight version. Was just chatting with them on Discord. They posted this
I’m surprised this doesn’t have more votes. MASH was just full of great episodes. Including probably the greatest series finale of all time. Just incredible.