That’s what I do, too. My Dovecot is at home and I collect emails from all my accounts using fetchmail.
Nice thing is Dovecot Pidgeonhole for Sieve and Flatcurve for ultrafast indexing and search.
That’s what I do, too. My Dovecot is at home and I collect emails from all my accounts using fetchmail.
Nice thing is Dovecot Pidgeonhole for Sieve and Flatcurve for ultrafast indexing and search.
Yeah, haha. 😂
Wait a moment… 🤔
2 HDDs (mirrored zpool), 1 SATA SSD for cache, 32 GB RAM
First read: 120 MB/s
Read while fully cached (obviously in RAM): 4.7 GB/s
My Dovecot is still 2.3.21. It’s the most recent package. But you’re right the update doesn’t look trivial.
With an IMAP server you have the power to serve your own emails. fetchmail will deliver them constantly to this place. You have all emails in one place and you login just to your own server.
Basically what I said. Dovecot can be installed on every Linux or BSD system. You’ll need Pideonhole and FTS Flatcurve as extensions.
When you install fetchmail, you can let it connect to all your IMAP or POP3 servers. Each process will deliver your mail instantly to your own Dovecot server.
You’ll also need a certificate for Dovecot. This can be solved using Letsencrypt.
You can use any mail client you want. I use Fairemail on Android. On desktop and notebooks it’s Thunderbird.
I sync my emails using a Dovecot IMAP server on my home server. I fetch emails from all my accounts with fetchmail and sort them into the right folders using Sieve. They get indexed and are searchable (ultra fast!).
225000 emails in 13 GB (ZFS; uncompressed 18 GB).
Putin is scared of NATO. The surrounding countries joining the organization limit Russian power. It’s possible to cut Russia off from many strategic routes, when encircled.
From his viewpoint, he must destroy Ukraine totally, with all its people. The probability of joining NATO is too high.
I’m doing my part.
I unregistered my Win 10 key last Sunday and removed the SSD. All my IT is Windows free.
If you like professional photography, you can try darktables. It’s a replacement for Lightroom and it’s great in my opinion.
Gimp is still useful for quick and simple edits. It’s a bit weird to use though.
Go to hell Russia.
If you break trains programmatically (by software) you’re an industrial saboteur.
That’s much worse than to hack them to work again.
Isn’t it a regression? I cannot upgrade Debian unstable, either, at the moment. Last time when LLVM had a major upgrade, it took weeks until it was fixed.
It seems he has been already denied asylum last year, but escaped the authorities somehow.
Now some politicians are suggesting idiotic laws and spreading populist bullshit, like every time.
They don’t block torrents because they like to watch people connect to the nodes and then sue them.
It’s always better to use onion routing.
They should listen to the tech savvy.
Unfortunately there is a lack of awareness how Microsoft treats Windows for desktop PCs and notebooks and how the future strategy looks like. Otherwise many people would move away faster.
It’s so easy to work around an audit. Companies lie. Auditors are being bribed. Everything is based on trust.
I still don’t really know what you mean. How a document looks like depends on you. I’ve got very many fonts available, much more than average Microsoft Office user has. And it’s easier to use LibreOffice from my point of view, because it emphasizes structure. It looks much cleaner by default than MS Word. The only thing MS Word is better in is typesetting. LibreOffice simply fails to place letters properly.
Documents produced by office suites are not really good for publications. They are very annoying to handle, no matter if it’s MS Office or Libre. The cheapest option to have something professional is LaTeX.
So it’s the good old client certificate authentication?