Yes on all, but oak aged chardonnay. Fucking love that shit. Been buying one from Washington for years now. Ste Michelle.
Gonna miss it while the carrot rules.
Yes on all, but oak aged chardonnay. Fucking love that shit. Been buying one from Washington for years now. Ste Michelle.
Gonna miss it while the carrot rules.
I think the packets take one way in, and get routed a different way out.
It looks incredibly convoluted. My best guess is that traffic hits and gets routed out on the internet and doesn’t pass the dmz.
Then i assume there is something wrong in the routes from your lan when returning traffic that got initiated through the internet opnsense. If you can see traffic hit the LAN network, all should be well on the way in.
Perhaps some sessions on the way time out due to low TTL. I’ve experienced drops of traffic when there are too many hops.
Its possible, depending on how you’ve setup your NAT, that the traffic cant return due to coming from a public ip.
Why do you have public ip-span configured as LAN?
AIO coolers aren’t worth it imo. Stay clear of the H-series AIO from Corsair, none of my friends have had proper performing cooling from them.
If I had to choose cooler right now it would be “Thermalright peerless assassin”
Secondly, i would spend a little extra for a cpu with x3d.
Pay bonus with stocks in the company. Problem solved.
Oh yes, unlike that toddler response i received.
But. Then you would be the 60 year old asshole? Are you thick or did you not think this through?
Perfect comeback there bud. You definitely made me say “shucks” while I snapped my fingers in a dramatic fashion 😘
I don’t know about you, but that sounds miserable. And what makes you think that you will be excluded?
He probably said something reasonable that they disagreed with 😄
Man, you drank some kool aid didn’t you? If someone doesn’t think like you, then they’re an asshole, in spite of an entire life of not being an asshole. Cool cool
Wrong, but you do you.
Lol. They caved.
Sounds good. Too bad the rich and politically powerful will be able to dodge, just like they dodge the draft.
Every furry that i’ve ever seen gives off the energy of a JavaScript dev.
Mersault is like twice the price. Have not found a French substitute yet.