They can always take a break in The Wiggler
They can always take a break in The Wiggler
ICE can get Electro-Gonorrhea: the noisy killer
Emulators are your friend. Hoarders, graders, and scalpers can go suck a railroad spike.
Had two hamsters (Calvin and Hobbes) growing up. Both just got old and sick with old hamster stuff. Their deaths happened exactly the same way: my mom reaches into the cage because they haven’t been moving much for a while. Their last act of life is to bite her finger as hard as they can, so she naturally flings them at the wall in front of us kids. Splat.
Something that’ll let me plug a raspberry pi’s micro hdmi output into either: the usb-c input OR mini hdmi input on an (already-powered) external monitor. If anyone has success stories, I’d appreciate it.
If the heat is running, we’re playing a dangerous game.
Removing all distractions, which takes a bit of work. Covering every single source of light. Little indicator on my charger? Slapped electrical tape on it. Blackout curtains. Noise machine. The hardest one: Never using the bedroom for anything but sleeping. Not even a little peek at the phone and YouTube for a relaxing video. I have an analogue non-illuminated clock for daytime, and if I need to check the time in the dark, a Timex I can hit the glow button on. If I really can’t sleep, I get up and go into another room to read or listen to something.
The ultimate pain: License to kill. Slappers only. Oddjob.
It’s nothing. David Foster Wallace wrote in his novel taking place in the IRS: “Abstruse dullness is actually a much more effective shield than is secrecy. For the great disadvantage of secrecy is that it’s interesting.”
Greenville, NC in a Walgreens, around 2013. A man who looked like, or could well have been Gary Busey, in a leather jacket, in a pile of talcum powder on the floor, was picking up handfuls of powder and snorting them.
It’s like Ben Dreyfuss minus the ambien in there.
You need to take a risk on some level, which probably isn’t what you want to hear, but other commenters have said as much. I think that even worse than a solid “no” is just not doing anything and getting up in your head about the what-ifs, and missing an opportunity entirely.
There’s an anecdote about a U2 naming a song “One Minute Warning” if I recall correctly: many years ago, when a UK prime minister learned the US got 6 minutes, they asked how long the UK would have. The response: “I suppose we’d have about a minute.”
“Big man, strong man, he came to me, came to me with tears in his eyes…”
Can I still be the one person who makes all the posts on 4chan, prove me wrong?
Ron and Fez. A wealth of entertainment.
Masterful gambit