Russia is not part of NATO.
Russia is not part of NATO.
Nice to see some love for Tomba. Loved Tomba 2. Just heard it’s getting a remake released this year.
No one is happy with the current circumstances. You’re blaming the victim though, and not the aggressor. Please share how you think this war should be resolved.
Not much of an answer to my question, but I was more curious of bobr’s response anyway.
What is your suggestion to stop the war?
I remembered reading a long post on Reddit about what to do if you win big on the lottery.
Reddit History: /u/BlakeClass’s comment on What to do if you win The Lottery (GitHub gist)
Yeah, but it would be hypocritical, which is the point the image is making.
What are some non-piracy use cases for real-debrid?
I tend to agree but you could argue that from a perspective in the center of the rotation you’re turning to the right. Imagine standing in the center of those arrows.
I find it kind of funny that your shared link url contain tracking parameters.
Why should we give advertisers any data at all, I don’t get it? I agree it’s better than how tracking is being done today, but why create a tool to distribute information about my behavior across different sites (yes, anonymized)?
Yeah, strange design choice since the other buttons in theUI are not pill shaped.
Aside from that things look very nice.
Why should someone be able to live off dividends if they have “ultra-rich” wealth at the bank? This person has a lot of money so if they live in an RV it’s obviously a choice they made.
Plus they could just spend some of that stock money and go below “ultra rich” level and get taxed less. And perhaps then they have to use part of their non-ultra-rich wealth to live their RV dream life to supplement their dividends. Doesn’t sound too bad.
TLDR; I don’t feel bad for someone that can’t live dividends when hey have more than one million euro in the bank.
Edit: while is still stand by comment, I do see I missed your point about fairness. Not too big of a problem in my mind. Or perhaps a solution would be to tax home values above X amount? (Edit2: and only the amount above X)
Thanks for the context. And I have no idea who Paul Magnette is so I’ll take your word for it.
I think your point about cost of family homes makes sense. If that is the case it might need an adjustment.
I have no experience with economic systems, but I wonder what the effect on home prices would be if taxed at the levels proposed. My hunch would be that home prices would decrease. The risk is of course that families with less financial means that borrowed money to afford a home will loose money.
Regardless, the main problem is extreme wealth disparity. My question is mainly, are the home prices high because wealth is high?
What makes you say it’s a just another tax on the middle class?
Fair enough, but you can still say France has an island in the pacific.
I’m only saying it wouldn’t be too strange to include Istanbul.
But no strong opinion it to be honest.
I think Istanbul is actually in the European continent. Or at least most of it. Cross the bridge and you’re on the Asian continent. Remember EU is not the same as Europe.
Have you tried discussing this with ChatGPT/Claude/Perplexity? I’ve found it extremely helpful for getting started, and exploring different options.
I think that’s the point of drawing a line in the sand. Step over it and this will happen. It’s risky and timing would be of the essence.