In my country they use vans like a Mercedes Sprinter because you can actually keep your stuff dry and even make a little workshop in there. The only use I can think of for a pickup truck is maybe gardeners so they don’t have to haul a trailer for their green waste? Could also maybe be useful to haul strawbales if you have a small farm. But you can just do that in a trailer behind your van as well, and your equipment will be dry inside the van and you can leave the trailer when you don’t need it.
Backup cameras became required by law in 2016
That must be local to you, my 2019 car doesn’t have one and in my (European) country this is not mandatory.
Exactly! I don’t care that I don’t have the most modern gadgets on my phone, I didn’t have them before so I will not miss them. To me being unable to replace my battery or having to get rid of my phone because the OS is outdated is unacceptable and stupid and I will gladly sacrifice having a 1gigapixel camera or being able to take my phone in the shower.
I’ve had my FP3 for the same amount of time, still on all original components. Battery lasts through the day easy. The camera is bad, so I might replace that for the upgrade, but other than that I have no issues. My partner buys fancy phones and he is on his third phone in the same timeframe because they all broke. Shame your FP3 is not holding out as well as mine!
I’m still in mourning over the Ubuntu phone OS :(
That is amazing! I had a Fairphone 1 and used it until the ‘on’ button broke which was about the only thing not available from the parts store. Now I have a Fairphone 3, have had it for a few years now. I might get the camera module upgrade as I still have an old one and it’s the only disappointing thing about the phone. I’ve been looking forward to fixing my phone because the modular design they made is amazing, but absolutely nothing has broken yet in my 3 years of use!
My saviour! Thanks :)