The EUs IRIS 2 Programme has been in the work for way longer. Once the importance of such a satelite network was realised EU started drafting plans for their own network
The EUs IRIS 2 Programme has been in the work for way longer. Once the importance of such a satelite network was realised EU started drafting plans for their own network
Merz is nowhere near the level of absurdity of Trump. This offer/decision is shameful but he doens’t have the same crazy extend that Trump has
Would make european companies probably loose IP in the US. IP would just be local and not mean much anymore. I think there’s other better responses
So the Jews are running the world after all!
Makes me wonder where the fines go to 🤔
Yes they would. Thats why Beeper is working on changing to a bridge setup that works client-side and not server-side. Remember, that Discord is not encrypted and authorities can just get your data from discord directly. Do not use discord in any sort of private context whatsoever. I don’t believe Discord itself isn’t actively using my messaging data anyways
Where tf are you pulling that from?
It would be useful to have this for less bureaucracy and no possibility of tarifs but Trump wouldn’t go through with this.
Once they start rolling out more mini cabins I hope it will become more affordable. I think this can be the future to expand sleeper trains to a wider audience
I personally think even in this case a precious life is lost. I haven’t dug into the potential use of AI to deny claims which is highly unethical. I come more from an approach of utilitarianism: Every life/lifetime has some sort of potential joy and value to it. If for example a regime falls and a dictator causing a lot of loss of value (in this case life and quality of life) dies, the equation is a positive one if people get to live longer better lives. The dictator is the main reason for suffering.
In the case with the CEO he isn’t the main reason for suffering, rather the system is. He has to bear part of the responsibility but his death doesn’t have a positive outcome in our equations because the death changes nothing. He also isn’t fully responsible for the system which is the root problem of the health system.
I myself also believe generally murder is in nearly all cases wrong, and does while I am against the Genocide in Gaza I do think you’re at least partially talking about my group and generalizing it to make an obscene argument. Your example is actually perfect valid and if a person doesn’t care about genocide/death in gaza they can’t claim the moral high ground if they only value this kind of life. Its also distracting a bit from the main point of life and especially a life of good quality having value.
One side follows rule of law, while the company and shareholders he is working from require him to maximize profits at the cost of the insured customers.
The other side caused mass destruction across europe, millions dead, millions displaced, left countries in ruins and starving, gassed millions of Jews and caused mass chaos.
If he was to excel the expectations of the people he worked for he was supposed to decline health treatments. If he started performing worse for the shareholders he would’ve been at fault in the eyes of the shareholders and thus replaced.
Hitler on the other way acted on his own accord. There were no democratic institutions above him or really any to hold him accountable. The healthcare system on the other hand can be changed in a democratic system and political pressure. A dictator like Hitler certainly not through peaceful protest, as those were answered with violence and suppression
The way its presented is as if everyone or even most people are like this. “often” might be true but it isn’t really an argument in that case if you mean it literally
Really easy to generalize a group like this. I’ve been opposing both the humanitarian crisis and genocide caused by Isreal as well as this cowardice murder of a CEO that changes nothing. I’m also against the medical insurance system in the US, I just think this action doesn’t do shit. It takes real energy to protest and mobilize people to make real change possible but that seems like too much for a bunch of people on here
Hard to compare some shot CEO to Hitler imho
Wait couldn’t you have filed a lawsuit? I mean yeah, the cops didn’t do their job (I guess they could be sued for that too). But you would need proof in text form so just ask them again in a mail or letter. If they don’t do their job and you have proof then they’re screwed
New uniforms aren’t useless. If the Bundeswehr wants to be an attractive employer they need modern uniform. I read online that people who served find the current ones very outdated. We just need to invest more in the military in total
It is Russia who invaded an independent country against humanitarian law, kidnapped children and is using foreign soldiers form North Korea to fight their war. They also use Iranian drones on Ukrainian territory. Russia also keeps threatening to use nukes. Ukraine returning the favour with Taurus missiles would totally be justified and legitemate with the geneva convention as they are defending themselves.
What would be the point in amassing more wealth when its capped? At that wealth no matter what you do, its not gonna get less really if you invested into things. How does that solve any of the problems we have in society?
I guess we all know what happened in this comment section!
By your theory monopolies should be much more common in countries that are already part of the Euro