Blockbuster definitely. Then I can just rip and upload to jellyfin as many videos as I want. Plus as a kid my parents never let me get the popcorn buckets at the counter and I need to have that experience because I remember them looking so great
Blockbuster definitely. Then I can just rip and upload to jellyfin as many videos as I want. Plus as a kid my parents never let me get the popcorn buckets at the counter and I need to have that experience because I remember them looking so great
Mattress firm
I treat my PC like a console at this point. Don’t use it for anything but gaming because of all the insane stuff games are doing with essentially making you install spyware. Figure I’d give them as little data as I can. I even have it on a separate network that can only communicate with the internet, not the rest of my LAN.
Can you have your own garden for food?
It could also be people who spent all this money to go to school for useless degrees and when they find out their “gender studies” degree doesn’t make as much as an actual useful degree they also get upset.
Regulation is what makes “capitalism” a bad system. Free market capitalism is the only good form of capitalism.
Ehh it’s probably mostly kids who have been handed everything to them their entire life and when they realize they need to start providing for themselves after their parents kick them out of the basement they get mad because they don’t want to do anything but play videogames and get paid. They don’t realize the only reason they have videogames to begin with is because of capitalism.
When I used the web version of Lemmy, I wasn’t able to find the subscribe button for communities.
I believe frameworks firmware is open source as well. If money was no object I’d go framework. Modularity and reparability are unmatched. I love that I can just take the camera and microphone physically out of the laptop with ease. I really wanted to get the 16 but its just simply out of my budget. Hoping the price will come down over the next few years.
Open powershell and run:
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’, “$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\FirefoxSetup.exe”); Start-Process -Wait -FilePath “$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\FirefoxSetup.exe”
Imperial was based on using body parts and common items to measure things. Inch was about the width of a mans thumb, foot the size of his foot, yard was the length of his arm, etc. But we have more access to things to measure now so like its kinda pointless but just stuck.
No. Not needed for the most part if you aren’t downloading dumb shit on the internet and keeping things up to date.
This is a serious misconception. In the us medical professionals are obligated to provide care regardless of if you can pay or not.
I really like wazuh. Its such a well put together product and feels like enterprise software. One of the best cyber security tools there is.
Theyre always trying to widen the gap between the upper and middle/lower class. They hate you and believe the only reason you exist is to make them money. People often blaim capitalism but this isn’t the real issue. Its the politicians who are in bed with the corporations.
Boot licking is cringe