I thought that cars are only able to drive on the street and was baffled when we saw an offroad rally on the TV
I thought that cars are only able to drive on the street and was baffled when we saw an offroad rally on the TV
There are some.
The Death Planet ih the new trilogy destroyed the exact same way as Luke destroyed the Death Star.
The fact that they realized that “parsec” is a length unit, and they came up with a total bullshit explanation for “doing the Kessel run in 12 parsec”.
Nearly every maintenance infrastructure built like a giant death trap. The reactor room where Maul killed Qui-Gon, the scene where Luke realizes that Vader is his father, and so on.
Apple App store. Nearly every app has in-app-purchases. Just charge me upfront ffs
I mostly know what they do for a living. I am not really sure how old they are or what are their birthdays. But it simply isnt relevant.
I had my bachelor’s party weekend last weekend, and my best man rented an airbnb. We were 9 guys and some of them did not know each other before. Doesnt matter, we had beer and a great time. I think, such details really dont matter, if not for small talk.
Not really. The other one.
Cyka B blyat!
There’s a german stoner movie called Lammbock which covers exactly this scenario. Check it out if you can.
But it’s the stuff which is used in nuclear power plants to store the used rods.
Whole milk is just water with some emulgated fat in it. Fresh squeezed juice is just water with some biomass in it.
I suppose we need to switch to sunflower oil or something. It is digestible, has no water in it, but isnt exactly healthy.
I’d say Coke Zero, but technically this is just a “water with some chemicals in it” goof, and therefore not allowed.
Sikhism was already mentioned here. Also, Scientology. I find it quite fascinating and would love read the SciFi story behind it.
Also, all these smaller groups where something weird is behind it. Jonestown, Waco, and so on.
I am currently broadcasting “5G_COVID_TEST_EMITTER” for the lulz. It is on a separate VLAN which simply terminates at the switch which generates the PoE for the AP, so despite it being open without a password, it generates no uplink
Going to the barber. Not only do i look nice afterwards, but this hour of simply doing nothing while nice people are around, good music and maybe a glass of whisky or a coffee is quite good.
Visiting a thermal bath/sauna. Afterwards i am pretty relaxed and tired. Sure, you must get used to the “no clothing allowed” policy, but you can use a towel, and everyone around is also naked and as fat and ugly as yourself.
Driving around on my ebike on a summer evening with good music on my airpods, enjoying the weather and spectating other people enjoying the evening outside.
He does not have a fancy logo nor a secret identity. Well. By this definition you cannot call Tony Stark a Superhero, neither Thor.
I would say, Jedi are wizards, in a way where Star Wars is more fantasy than SciFi.
Hand of Blood Kalle Sterzik
Name a better one
Generative AI. Dall-E just produces dumb images. ChatGPT is absolutely useless, nothing more than some kind of novelty toy. The fact that people are asking it questions and believing it is just so plain stupid. And if i need to do research to be able if it just talks bullshit again - why bother asking it in the first place?
Technically the truth. For everything there is a human who is the best at it. Although they might not know it.