Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas
Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas
I didn’t know they had free tiers… I’ll look into it
Hmm…i do have a raspberry pi that isn’t being used… Since it’s asp.net should be Linux compatible… Not a bad idea
Well it’s also a learning project as through a series of events I am technically a software developer in job title who got thrown into a c# code base with databases after doing a python boot camp for 9 weeks and have no mentor to tell me what I’m doing wrong on professional projects.
Atleast on America that is by law if publicly traded. Let’s say a company discovers something that amazing, say cure for cancer and decides they are going to give it out for free for the benefit of mankind. They can be sued and will likely lose. Only real defense would be they thought the goodwill from giving away for free would earn the shareholders more money through goodwill towards the company. A smaller scale version of this would be like a farm raising animals in non-optimal conditions (for profit but nicer to the animals like free-range instead of cages). They could argue the customers will be willing to pay a premium for that.
If not publicly traded they can do whatever they want. If governmental they should have a goal or mission statement that states what their intent is(usually it’s not profit) but if it’s publically traded legally their only motive is profit to the shareholders.
It’s a great time as space age aka 2.0 just released. If you’re the type to get absorbed into min/maxing stuff, remember to say goodbye and I love you to your family before launching factorio.
My doctor said I should not drink brake fluid, I told him not to worry… I can stop anytime
Where I work we do a mix… Some 4 days, 10 hrs each, some 5days 8 hrs each.
Production is typically 4/10 and most other people are 5/8. This allows the other groups a day where production isn’t running and other things can happen, like maintaining equipment and running tests without interfering with production schedules. While not requiring support to come in on a Saturday or Sunday.
It works out pretty well for us, except when production does ot on Fridays for weeks in a row and the other stuff can’t get done…
I went to dragon con one year, people were dressed in all sorts of costumes even though it’s not a furry con. And I know the hotels where the con is are incredibly hard to book. That said just once I want some senior executive to accidently book a room in one because he has some meeting with a potential client of something and just so happen to click it at the right time.
He shows up and is completely bewildered by all the people in costumes. “you’ll never believe it mark. I rode down the elevator with a robot and I swear to God… Tiny from Bob’s burgers”
I do this alot but I alway follow up with “Do you know what blah is?” and depending on age/experience/acronym or term I ask them to explain it.
Sometimes I get assigned work with a senior engineer(where I learn) and sometimes I get asked to help a new person. For example right now I’m in a project being driven by a senior engineer but was asked to assist a professional development program employee(or pdp) to actually execute the project. As a result this is the habit I developed to 1. Make sure I don’t confuse people with random acronyms or terms 2. Ensure we are on the same regarding definition(and they are not just saying yes I know when they don’t).
Fuck tine. … To buy a new bike
Not to mention the amount of analog clocks that are just wrong. I work at a fortune 500 company, most clocks are digital and synced to a time server. Every analog clock is wrong. Just yesterday I walked through the cafeteria and glanced at the clock and it read 5:20… For a second I panicked and was like it can’t be that late. I checked my phone, it was 3:06. The clock was just not set properly.
Their bosses bosses boss probably knew… Their boss may not of
If it is true, they just admitted to security fraud for not maximizing profits. I doubt it is true but would be interesting to see it in court if they decide to admit to lying in a public press release or security fraud not acting in the interest of shareholders…
If I confess to what I did on a dare is that a truth or dare?
The Linux source code is also online…
Ok I agree in theory.tyat said I rented a room when younger. In a house that has 2 other older men in the house.
Yeah roommates suck. But I couldn’t afford the rent I pay now if they were not there. I was on a month to moth basis for contract and it was a room in a house instead of an apartment means something.
Renting a room isn’t that bad, renting nightly is…
I’m also a software engineer (at least in title). I agree with the social skills but a different thing came to mind. The ability to actually watch and understand what people are trying to do. I’m lucky as all my software is internal to my company. I don’t make what we sell, I make what tests the products we sell. And yes I test the tests and also test the test’s tests 😭.
I’ll give an example. I have an operation where the operator is to scan a number off a paper before testing. That number is for traceability we need to know which test results are for which unit. Previous engineer said since it’s scanned off the unit it will never be incorrect as long on the printed barcode is correct(separately validated) so no need to verify format.
I ran into an issue where units had an extra zero either before or after the number. So if number was 12345 sometimes it would be 012345 or 123450.
I went to watch the process. The operator scanned the unit( I watched them work all day, this was 1 unit out of a whole days work) and when they put the scanner down the scanner’s corner was on the 0 button of the keypad.
We did a 2 phase remiduation. Stage 1. Operator instructed to log in and then place keyboard on shelf away from workplace. Stage 2. Verify the number is in correct format in code. Yes the code update is simple but in our field needs weeks of work to test, validate, and release.
Actually watching the operator closely identified the problem. The code was not the issue, the code passed all requirements and tests. The issue was the tests and requirements did not match the user’s experience but if I stayed in my cube as for weeks I would not of been able to find the bug.
I equate an AI to an intern. It’s useful for some stuff but if I’m going to attach my name to it I’m going to review it and probably change a lot about it.
Yes but for example for seizures I want a simple form, not having to type in entries. Especially for siezures, it’s normally a busy event of caring for him, having to add a seizure taking more than a minute means it probably won’t be used.