Ask me about:

  • Science (biology, computation, statistics)
  • Gaming (rhythm, rogue-like/lite, other generic 1-player games)
  • Autism & related (I have diagnosis)
  • Bad takes on philosophy
  • Bad takes on US political systems & more US stuff

I’m not knowledgeable about most other things

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2024

  • This French university made the news on scientific news sources a week or so ago when they announced this, I thought it was a fluke… glad to see they are getting applicants

    Of course, I am fully aware that this is just one isolated case since US-based academics would never think of applying for European positions. Most US-based academics would never know resources such as EURAXESS which hosts many academic positions in Eurozone and beyond, or jobrxiv dot org which also includes lots of European academic positions. This is not mentioning country-specific resources such as when I was lurking on jobbnorge dot no for Norwegian jobs, and a personal communication I had with someone at University of Gothenburg who was literally asking me where to look for US-based postdoctoral applicants…

    Anyway what was I saying

  • My main social media app is Mastodon (technically Firefish which I will soon migrate to Iceshrimp… but those details are less relevant)

    I consider Lemmy less so of a “social media” and more of a link aggregator/discussion forum… but yeah otherwise I try to use Lemmy a bit too. I still browse Reddit quite a lot, but only for individual communities that don’t have equivalents on Lemmy, and I no longer post there

    I never used much social media to begin with tbh… I feel pretty decent about the Fediverse. Despite all the drawbacks (blocklists, fedi drama, etc), I think people collectively managed to make an objectively better social media platforms compared to the previous corporation-dominated ones (at least by my personal metrics)