image description:
image of a person happy-crying with the text: me when my city’s AQI is “unhealthy” and not “dangerous”
on the bottom is a screenshot of a weather app showing AQI of 110 and labeled unhealthy
image description:
image of a person happy-crying with the text: me when my city’s AQI is “unhealthy” and not “dangerous”
on the bottom is a screenshot of a weather app showing AQI of 110 and labeled unhealthy
on that topic - where does the O³ come from?
a fellow breezy weather user!
you can tap on it to read more about it.
Is that screenshot from the main app or a widget? Because my app looks bright even in dark mode.
Turn off the “follow day/night” setting and it will be dark mode in the day as well
I also use this app! It’s great, isn’t it?? ^_^
Ah apparently, it is more common to occur naturally in the countyside because the NOx from fossil fuels will react with the ozon to create NO² and O².
I think the O3 ozone is a byproduct of combustion at high temperatures and not ideal combustion ratios. But I don’t know a whole lot about it.
Ozone if formed usually when UV rays hit Oxygen(O2), and if forms protective ozone layer high up in atmosphere. But ground level ozone like this are formed from other pollutants in the presence of sunlight. That is factory and vehicle’s pollutants react on sunlight and creates ozone which is harmful