A 3rd party votes subtracts one vote from Biden’s total vote count, so to say. Here is the 1M$ math equation you desire (assuming you would usually vote for Biden):
(I) VoteDifference = VotesTrump - VotesBiden
(II) VotesBiden1 = EveryoneElsesVotes + YourVote
(Scenario where you vote for Biden)
(III) VotesBiden2 = EveryoneElsesVotes
(Scenario where you vote for a 3rd party)
In scenario 2 (which is the one in which you vote for a 3rd party), the vote difference (which determines who won and by how much), is EQUIVALENT to one additional person voting for Trump. You’re welcome. I don’t even need the 1.000.000$.
Dems - whinging about not being fascists but refusing to call a third party vote a third party vote because it doesn’t fit their misinformation campaign that Republicans are fine and leftists are the real enemy.
There’s no magical math equation to find. The math is quite simple.
You know that, of course.
If you can write it out, you will be the first :)!
Of course I can write out the actual math for a valid premise. You already know it though.
There are 3 options:
To vote against Trump, you vote for Biden. To throw it away, you vote for a 3rd party, and admit you’re fine with a Trump presidency.
But of course you knew that.
So a 3rd party doesn’t add +1 to Trump’s total vote count?
A 3rd party votes subtracts one vote from Biden’s total vote count, so to say. Here is the 1M$ math equation you desire (assuming you would usually vote for Biden):
(I) VoteDifference = VotesTrump - VotesBiden
(II) VotesBiden1 = EveryoneElsesVotes + YourVote (Scenario where you vote for Biden)
(III) VotesBiden2 = EveryoneElsesVotes (Scenario where you vote for a 3rd party)
(II) VotesBiden1 = EveryoneElsesVotes + Yourvote =〉VotesBiden1 - YourVote = EveryoneElsesVotes (III) VotesBiden2 = EveryoneElsesVotes =〉VotesBiden1 - YourVote = VotesBiden2
(I) VoteDifference = VotesTrump - VotesBiden
VoteDifference1 = VotesTrump - VotesBiden1 VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump - VotesBiden2
=〉VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump - (VotesBiden1 - Yourvote) =〉VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump + YourVote - VotesBiden1 (!!!)
In scenario 2 (which is the one in which you vote for a 3rd party), the vote difference (which determines who won and by how much), is EQUIVALENT to one additional person voting for Trump. You’re welcome. I don’t even need the 1.000.000$.
Of course not, that’s a false premise.
Hmm, maybe tell that to the 3+ people who wrote out the “proofs” of that math?
Plenty of people already have
And its one person.
Dems - whinging about not being fascists but refusing to call a third party vote a third party vote because it doesn’t fit their misinformation campaign that Republicans are fine and leftists are the real enemy.
Its basic reasoning, honey.
That dems are just as fascist as Republicans?
No, not that, sweetie.