Ok, now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response, all the Kurds killed by his betrayal, and all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response
only if you promise to make one for all the people killed from Biden’s failed response as well. you better hurry, you’ve got about 500 a day to add.
all the Kurds killed by his betrayal
I believe the quote goes “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”. (rest in piss Kissinger, the world is better off without you)
all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
ICE and the cages still exist, and in fact have received increased funding year over year.
Ok, now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response, all the Kurds killed by his betrayal, and all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
Ok, now make an argument for Harris that isn’t “Trump Bad”
We know he is, the problem is Harris is bad, too.
ffs USA, surely you know that democracy is about electing the people most citizens like, rather than the people most citizens don’t not like…
Where have you been the last 44 years?
only if you promise to make one for all the people killed from Biden’s failed response as well. you better hurry, you’ve got about 500 a day to add.
I believe the quote goes “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”. (rest in piss Kissinger, the world is better off without you)
ICE and the cages still exist, and in fact have received increased funding year over year.
You are deflecting from the subject.
I don’t think I am :)
Money paw finger curls in
Don’t worry, Nancy wants Newsom to be the candidate.
Yasss… queen?
If there’s an asshole in a protected category that the Democratic Party can find and utilize to their benefit, you can bet they’ll find 'em.