Nah, I’m pretty sure that at least half the population would vote for a literal Hitler.
Half the population doesn’t even vote tbh
Also very true, disenfranchisement is all time high since a lot of people are starting to realize that they live under a dictatorship of capital.
The smart half. They know from personal experience that voting does absolutely nothing for their material concern.
I’m too deep in USPol brainrot to know if this is sarcastic or not
if this is sarcastic or not
Back and forth. Forever.
A little yes and a little no.
I think all of these people are monsters, but I’m also trying to find the best option among bad options. If Harris is president, I can live with that. If Trump gets elected again… I think the possibility of Palestinians getting exterminated becomes a genuine possibility, and the damage to our climate and our ability to reverse course after four years look very fragile.
It’s very depressing.
If Trump gets elected again… I think the possibility of Palestinians getting exterminated becomes a genuine possibility, and the damage to our climate and our ability to reverse course after four years look very fragile.
Biden has given unconditional support to Israel, and had even circumvented Congress to give them more material support. Biden has not only done nothing of substance to fight climate change, but has approved more federal oil drilling permits than Trump.
If Trump did the things Biden did, Democrats would correctly call him a war criminal and threat to the planet.
Kamala is literally a Hitler. Woman openly laughs at forced labor prisoner slavery. The difference between the actual nazis and her office as DA is that they targeted blacks and browns instead of jews. Idk why so many cucks are fangirling over her rn
This is a common layman misconception. The term “hitler” isn’t actually based on how much the candidate engages in human rights abuses: it’s just a marker of how widely voters recognize them as “hitler-y” (to use the technical term).
A fun fact: within the field of meme political science it’s recognized that if we did apply a quantitative rubric, ALL of the US Presidents are actually hitlers!
Nahhhhhh we had a black guy once. Can’t have a black Hitler. Would kamala be the black Irma grese then? Pretty sure you can totally have a black Irma grese
I was unable to find anything about that. Could you please link me your source?
I grew up in Oakland, as DA she would put people in prison for weed. These same people were in prison after legalization, and their crimes were not black market dealers or anything like that. Just regular dudes who wanted to smoke up.
It’s unfortunate. She has not been particularly great at doing what her constituents wanted.
This article does a pretty good job conveying how her policies were inherently conflicts of interest, but in short, The “Back on Track” program for non-violent first time offenders was primarily for people with weed convictions. The idea is that they would admit to the crime, become a felon, have their record expunged.
Now, how exactly does non-violent weed crime exists during a time where California has it legalized? And she took a long time to come around on legalization itself. The answer? It doesn’t, she has gotten the nickname “top cop” as a prosecutor and has law enforcement as her main supporters as she lost support from progressive Democrats for her actions.
Now, I don’t dismiss her entirely, but I’m not entirely trusting of her either. She doesn’t have the history to indicate she would suddenly flip and be super progressive. That said, when she has a conviction, she does stick to it. Early in her career as district attorney she vehemently opposed and fought against the death penalty - to which Diane Feinsteinn criticized and said she wouldn’t have supported her had she known this.
All this to say - she has accomplished a great deal, but it has been because of how many she has thrown under the bus. That makes it difficult to trust that we wouldn’t just be thrown under the bus again.
Edit: Wrote all this before learning Biden dropped out. Wow!
She repeatedly fought to keep non violent criminals locked up in inhumane conditions explicitly for their labor capacity. CA makes big money selling slave labor @ $0.75/hr paid to the inmate.
She is descended from Jamaican slave owners, probably with slave ancestry mixed in. You’d think it’d be an easy slam dunk win for hee to eradicate slavery in the US but the money too good. She got bought.
Not “a hitler”?
He’s doing genocide!
But only reluctantly… Well kinda I guess
Yes actually. Our bombs, our guns, our fucking jets. If you do everything you can to facilitate another country’s genocide and the genocide would be impossible without your help, you are absolutely an accomplice to genocide. He’s a hitler.
I’m referencing the image.
The image exists in the context of all that came before it, it didn’t fall out of a coconut tree.
I didn’t think joke would be criticized this much in a meme community. I agree that Biden doesn’t ‘reluctantly’ do genocide.
Critical meme theory. 🧐
Yeah, but you can tell his heart isn’t really in it.
He’s weak sauce even when he’s trying to hitler.
If there’s anything his heart is in, it’s Zionism. It’s his one true political belief.
and also (thanfully) very dead.
No, no. Don’t you know that he works as a foreman in an Argentinian VW plant?
I thought he had that base on the moon now. That’s why we never went back.
I imagine Trump has only a partial check there. He’s not any young, just seems to be hiding that fact better.
I didn’t say young. I said he is “somehow alive”.
There’s a slurry of drugs keeping the Jonestown dreamsicle on his feet, I don’t know if he’s any more alive than an LLM at this point. He’s certainty less cogent than one.
At least Biden is still just running in “old human” mode.
I am really enjoying the idea of using the phrase “original Hitler” in much the same way as someone might refer to original sin.
Don’t be like Hitler and Donald Trump and not vote for Joe Biden
First: I don’t get to vote in presidential elections (I’m a Californian).
Second, Biden isn’t going to be on the ballot in November.
Hate her because she was prosecutor but at least she’s not the undead monster that is Bo Jiden.
Somehow manages to be less likeable than a corpse and hrc.
Not sure I understand, how is literally hitler not a hitler?
He’s not Not a Hitler
The label says “Not a hitler?”.
The X means you fail at not being a hitler. Hitler fails this test.
Ahhh. Slow day for me, thanks for clarifying.
Double negatives FTW
Ok, now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response, all the Kurds killed by his betrayal, and all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response
only if you promise to make one for all the people killed from Biden’s failed response as well. you better hurry, you’ve got about 500 a day to add.
all the Kurds killed by his betrayal
I believe the quote goes “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”. (rest in piss Kissinger, the world is better off without you)
all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
ICE and the cages still exist, and in fact have received increased funding year over year.
You are deflecting from the subject.
I don’t think I am :)
Ok, now make an argument for Harris that isn’t “Trump Bad”
We know he is, the problem is Harris is bad, too.
ffs USA, surely you know that democracy is about electing the people most citizens like, rather than the people most citizens don’t not like…
Where have you been the last 44 years?
Yasss… queen?
If there’s an asshole in a protected category that the Democratic Party can find and utilize to their benefit, you can bet they’ll find 'em.
Money paw finger curls in
Don’t worry, Nancy wants Newsom to be the candidate.
Those suggesting other candidates should probably address the three issues AOC brought up:
- Endorsements doesn’t transfer
- Campaign contributions doesn’t transfer
- Possible state level shenanigans by GOP to keep candidates chosen after some technicality off ballot
None of these issues exist if Biden simply steps down.
Just to be clear: this post is my way of endorsing Kamala.
Harris 2024! I’ll certainly end up protesting something terrible she does, but when I do I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.
I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.
Run this one by all the people beaten and arrested for protesting the genocide we’re funding in Palestine.
Take a look at this and tell me you still think Kamala Harris is in any way laudible.
Are you sure contributions don’t transfer?
Wasn’t the whole Clinton Victory Fund controversy about the Clintons seizing contributions to benefit their campaign from lesser tickets?
Huh, I guess you can do just about anything if you’re willing to pay the political cost.
I’ll admit I could be wrong, but I remember there being a ton of writing on this since Trump won the presidency AND Congress, which wasn’t really expected at the time.
What does it take for you to label a Hitler a Hitler? You watch someone kill thousands of children based on racism and decide they’re not a Hitler?
To most Liberals Palestinians are just not humans and therefore there is no problem of human rights violation.