As someone in the US it’s so easy to see so many depressing issues from the ravages of capitalism, to war, imperialism, and genocide. How can one care about these issues and hope for change without allowing themselves to be affected mentally?

I’ve been considering this for the past week, connecting it with Buddhist compassion towards the world and a need for mindfulness. But it’s so easy to fall into emotionlessness.

I’ve also thought through the world has always had issues and though some are getting much worse some are getting better.

I have gone to counseling before but they just make it an individual problem when it’s the world.

Edit: doesn’t have to be US centric. Just I’m writing from that pov

      3 months ago

      Right? I’ve never believed that depression is a brain chemical issue. It’s an issue of being aware of the true nature of the world and species.

      Edit: Take your pills the fancy drug dealer prescribed you for your “depression” and break your dicks. Numb yourself up to it all and live your best life, man. I don’t give a fuck. I drink, so it probably isn’t much better. Heh. Sorry I struck a nerve, but my perspective on this matter isn’t changing in my lifetime. This is the same industry that used to electrocute and shove ice picks into your brain. Now they do it with chemicals. Still just clueless throw shit at the wall and see what sticks nonsense that will never solve the real problem.

        • metaStatic
          83 months ago

          I think they’re 2 different things. being acutely aware of how totally an utterly fucked we all are doesn’t stop me from doing things I like.

          3 months ago

          No other animal suffers from depression. If it were a brain chemical issue, where are all the depressed squirrels and buffalo? It’s a human problem. That brain chemical imbalance shit is a neat way for the pharmaceutical companies to push their expensive poison on us. Break your dick and ruin one of the few good things in life. Happy now? Pass.

          Depressed? Congratulations. You’re more intelligent and aware than most.

            23 months ago

            Of course animals suffer from depression. This isn’t something I need to prove to you. This comment just goes to show that you’re either not very observant in any context or you’ve never been to a zoo. And no dipshit, it doesn’t make zoo animals not depressed because humans cause it in the cases where it’s easiest seen. By virtue of us being human, of course those examples would be seen by us. Jesus Christ some people trip over themselves to hold an insanely wrong viewpoint.

              -93 months ago

              Yeah, I’m sure being held captive by terrifying ape creatures isn’t what causes their mental issues at all just like the conditions that terrifying ape creatures inflict onto us isn’t what causes ours. It’s just a brain chemical imbalance you are born with, you see, and you have to electrocute the brain to solve everything… wait, no, shove this ice pick up your eye… well, that was problematic… take these chemicals! Hmmm… let’s try a dozen more until we find the “right” one.

              Fucking hell no.

                33 months ago

                You seem like the type of person who cannot accept that things are complicated and multiple things can be true at once.

                  -73 months ago

                  Only thing I need to know in this case is that I don’t trust that industry and find it terrifying that they have been given any credibility and legal power over others. Quacks with degrees in pseudoscience whose book of diagnostics was written by the same people on the pharmaceutical boards. I will have nothing to do with it.

                  You do you and follow your own beliefs and practices.

                    23 months ago

                    Right, you’ve already told us you think in binary terms. Either psychology is a perfect science or its total bullshit. There could never be a case where any part of it is valid if any part of it were not. /s

        43 months ago

        I wanted to say there is some truth in what you’re saying but the more I read, the more clueless you sound. Depression is real, and drugs that fuck your sex life up are probably worse. I have a lot of bad days but good days, good art, and a well placed joint help. Just because a lot of the current understanding of depression is flawed or wrong doesn’t make it a fake made up condition. You probably aren’t depressed if you can say that. Being the kid who was always super sensitive, would cry for hours, and getting really sad just thinking about something briefly are all things I experienced which prove to me that depression is real. No one else in my family was suffering like that. And I could say I was of higher intelligence and that’s why, if I wanted to jerk myself off like you’re doing, but the truth is it’s a lot more complicated than that.

          03 months ago

          To become this enlightened has taken some time, so fret not. There’s hope for you. Perhaps once you’ve lost a couple of friends to this destructive industry. Until then, I can see you’re quite comfortable in the circle jerk.

              03 months ago

              I’ll be whatever you all need me to be and I’m quite confident in my beliefs on the matter. I will also continue to be able to achieve an erection and orgasm until my age naturally catches up with me. You do you.

        3 months ago

        Seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about. SSRIs saved my life. I was recently barely clinging on to my job as I was on the verge of a panic attack nearly 24/7. I’ve been off and on SSRIs before so I do know they’re very difficult to quit, but I was close to institutionalizing myself from the level of anxiety I was dealing with.

        Yes they have downsides and yes they should be used as a last resort, but writing them off entirely is a stupid mentality.

        Numb yourself up to it all and live your best life

        Yes, I will

          23 months ago

          I personally am writing them off entirely for personal use, but I am happy they work for you. I’ve been saying the entire time in this thread that it’s a personal decision… I’ll admit I was playing it up for that one user who was super rude to me because it was fun to piss him off, but you are cool.

            13 months ago

            Thank you, and I do get it. I have a love/hate relationship with SSRIs, but 2024 was really rough for me and they were the only thing that pulled me out of it all.

            They are a heavy drug though with withdrawals worse than any other drug I’ve tried. I’ve fought to get off of them before in the past (when my mental health was doing better). I’ve spent entire years slowly tapering while still dealing with brain zaps and mood swings.

            Like I said, last resort thing.

              23 months ago

              Yeah, I was there when a former best friend went through it after her online psychiatrist put her on a cocktail of Adderall, antidepressants, and who knows what else and she was having the brain shocks, withdrawals, vomiting. That’s definitely very real.

              It does make me angry when they prescribe it all willy nilly like that without trying other things first.

              Wish you the best of luck getting clear of them and living a happy life.