the longest street name in Germany is “Bischöflich-Geistlicher-Rat-Josef-Zinnbauer-Straße”, which I don’t think is that different from something like “St Martin-in-the-Fields Church Path” in the UK.
(I’m purposefully ignoring Wales, because they’re just fucking with us at this point)
Lmfao, no clue why you’re being downvoted so much. It’s absolutely true that the camel-case here looks like a clusterfuck, even when it’s easily explained.
Mastodon gHmbH? What happened there? Was he naming the company and somehow fell on the keyboard?
gGmbH = gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung = limited liability company serving the public benefit
Is the first g the “for public benefit” part? Because isn’t GmbH an evil company?
Also, isn’t the norm that if you’re doing good, you don’t name the leader a CEO but a Director or something?
yes, gemeinnützig = serving the public benefit (literally approximately: gemein = common, nützig = useful, i.e. useful to the common good)
GmbH is just the (almost literal) translation of LLC.
When I was a kid I always pictured a goomba when I saw GmbH.
Thats a good association.
And we’re on Lemmy, so any LLC is inherently evil. /s
God damn the German language sure uses the entire alphabet in every word…How do they fit names onto their street signs???
Replace ss with ß.
the longest street name in Germany is “Bischöflich-Geistlicher-Rat-Josef-Zinnbauer-Straße”, which I don’t think is that different from something like “St Martin-in-the-Fields Church Path” in the UK.
(I’m purposefully ignoring Wales, because they’re just fucking with us at this point)
Well thank goodness they have that ß character to help keep their street names so efficient.
Are the Welsh fucking anything other than their flock?
Do you have a problem with the language that’s half l and y?
Close, it’s German. Basically an LLC.
No it’s not. It’s a gGmbH. Notice the leading “g”. It’s a nonprofit company.ützige_GmbH
Unfortunately there is no English translation of that page on Wikipedia.
Let’s just call it a nonprofit.
Lmfao, no clue why you’re being downvoted so much. It’s absolutely true that the camel-case here looks like a clusterfuck, even when it’s easily explained.
Cat on the keyboard. Been there…