It’s a type of fish, and they are making word plays with the name of the fish. Why? I’m not sure of the origin of this one. I imagine it’s like the beans or the beef stroganoff memes - the origin doesn’t matter much at this point.
I tried my hand on one of those AI image makers… Almost got kicked off twice because apparently “like-a-virgin-era Madonna but a sturgeon” is considered inappropriate somehow.
I actually started with eels. Aal (=> eel) can be inserted basically everywhere by just stretching the “a” a bit, like “Aalle wissen das” instead of “Alle wissen das” (everyone knows that). As far as I know, this started (or at least became popular) via Jan Böhmermann, he had some jokes about that in his show - the same guy who wrote the “goat fucker”-poem about Erdogan that caused massive diplomatic problems and resulted in changed laws.
It’s a type of fish, and they are making word plays with the name of the fish. Why? I’m not sure of the origin of this one. I imagine it’s like the beans or the beef stroganoff memes - the origin doesn’t matter much at this point.
The English word for the fish is “sturgeon”.
🎶 Like a sturgeon, caught for the very first time! 🎶
lmao where is this from
I tried my hand on one of those AI image makers… Almost got kicked off twice because apparently “like-a-virgin-era Madonna but a sturgeon” is considered inappropriate somehow.
Probably because of the word “virgin”
Also I was thinking more about “Like a surgeon” which is Weird Al’s parody
No, that was the prime Minister of Scottland
First minister, only one prime minister in the UK, although they are temporary in nature, sometimes we have 3 in one summer
Just after Salmon(d). Presumably, the next one will be the well-known Scottish politician Davey Coelacanth.
I actually started with eels. Aal (=> eel) can be inserted basically everywhere by just stretching the “a” a bit, like “Aalle wissen das” instead of “Alle wissen das” (everyone knows that). As far as I know, this started (or at least became popular) via Jan Böhmermann, he had some jokes about that in his show - the same guy who wrote the “goat fucker”-poem about Erdogan that caused massive diplomatic problems and resulted in changed laws.
Wir servieren heute Aal la carte:
I started the Aalphabet in my family. Every time we encounter a word that matches, it is added. It’s geniaal!
Danke schön!
Understood… so fisch störganoff