how are yall feeling about the website?
Hey! I’m keeping this as it’s targeted at new users from Reddit. However, in future please find another community to post this on, because it is not related to the instance specifically.
Fuck /u/spez, innit?
Fuck u/spez
fuck spez
Fuck that dick head named spez
Fuck u/spez
That is correct
Sir yes sir!
deleted by creator
Ngl, us r/efugees are not happy with things over there.
As much as I’m coming to enjoy this, it still isn’t what reddit was, nor is the app experience anything close to as feature rich. But, I’m finding other benefits here that are, and never were, possible at reddit, so it’s still a good thing :)
Reddit is proof that no publicly traded company, nor any that intends to be, can be trusted with anything. Not use that was ever in doubt, but reddit has shown it in such a glaring, grotesque way that it’s the poster child for how shitty corporate thought is.
I dunno. I was enjoying things. I had started moderating two subs I deeply cared about, with one having a strong sense of community building. There’s an emotional response to the loss of that. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to put in the work, put in the passion, when it’s shit on by the very company that profits from my free labor. fuck spez, fuck reddit
God dam right friend.
The best parts of reddit were the communities of people dedicated to the topics under each sub.
Reddit CEOs didn’t create that. It was and has always been regular users and hardworking Mods that brought us what we loved about reddit. If reddit isn’t going to protect those people, fuck em.
I’m signing off of reddit with the black out. There will probably be a long time before something replaces it. But I’m a long for the ride.
I mean it seems so obvious in retrospect I suppose. I hope we’re looking a the start of a real renascence for the internet, away from corporate overlords.
Seems sluggish, rough, and low population, but fuck spez so I’ll give this an honest chance.
Thanks, where’s the coffee machine, please?
The whole lemmy concept mixed with the current situation feels far more like you are part of a real community. Kinda like in old internet days. I will even break out of my reddit lurker days and try to contribute here.
Yeah it feels a lot more like an old school forum.
Exactly. The days when people would run little community servers for IRC or shoutcast or whatever on spare laptops hooked up to cable modems, and would mess around doing stuff for their friends or whatever online community they were part of. When websites didn’t all look the same because they’re hosted on the same big tech platform, and if you wanted to publish something you’d put creativity into web design rather than just signing up for a Twitter account. When you didn’t have the constant Faustian deal of selling your activity data in exchange for free platforms. When talking to your gaming clan meant typing in the IP of whoever hosted the TeamSpeak/Ventrilo/Wilco server, rather than everybody all using Discord. When you didn’t have content policies for millions of people being made by one guy in California (IE Tumblr). When most websites were hosted on little $20/mo shared hosting accounts so nobody gave a shit about pandering to advertisers. When a ‘big forum’ was 10s of thousands of users, and forums had their own communities with their own culture.
I miss those days. But this feels a lot closer to that than anything else I’ve encountered in the last several years.
So glad to leave that dumpster fire of a website
Loving it - federation is great, hardly ever even know which instance I’m interacting with from kbin, which is a good thing as it means the federation is working and mostly seamless. Can’t wait for some apps to come out and streamline the experience, hopefully some more people will start coming here to populate a lot of the communities that I’d like to participate or lurk in. Right now there’s a lot of… uh… shouting into the void trying to fill the space. I’m posting way more than I ever did on reddit just because like… somebody has to do it, right?
So far it’s been good. There is a bit of a learning curve, setting up on mobile devices was a little challenging. Seems to be working well now. This thread has been really helpful for me.
I’m a slashdot refugee who just had a 16 year stopover on reddit :)
OMG! Slashdot… now that is a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
I should see if I can recover my 5-digit account.
I’ve still got my 4 digit account.😏
Hello, fellow /. refugee. I made a stopover on Digg before jumping to Reddit. nice to meet you here.
That was my path… /. -> Digg -> Reddit -> Lemmy.
We’ve had to go backwards to go forward and I’m all for it.
It’s like we’ve just escaped an abusive partner and now starting from zero!
That “first night in the new apartment without most of the furniture, sleeping by yourself for the first time in a while” feeling.
I actually love that feeling except that one time I spent my first night in this prison-like dorm room with dirty walls and no hot water in Japan, dirty sheets and a paper thin futon with nothing to eat and nobody to talk to/no way to call anyone. This feels a lot better than that.
Honestly I don’t see it as going backwards but unfamiliar. I was reluctant to switch to this style because I didn’t understand it and ended up on mastodon a few years ago into some terrifyingly hostile racist/bogoted/sexist communities. Maybe I did something wrong and ended up in a bad part of town but I ended up deleting the app I was using. So far the experience on lemmy is so much more pleasant lol…
I’m excited to be a part of something new
Well lets see, my self promo spam to begin :o
edit: also fuck spez
I’ve lamented the loss of what I called “old internet energy” — the feeling of a largely-nerdy community forming around something new. I felt it on early Digg and on Reddit for a good while, until the last 7-10 years or so after mainstream users started pouring in. I feel that here again. ‘Tis nice.
I’m finding it hard to get rid of the “Open Reddit”'s muscle memory
That was easy for me. Apollo was Reddit for me. I deleted my account, removed that app, and now the barrier to entry of reaching Reddit would be going to the mobile site, so… I’d rather have all my teeth pulled with a rusty pair of pliers. Addition cured.
A scripblocker/adblocker might help you there.
Happy to be here, also sad to be here.