I loved Reddit for what it is, but nothing made me back out of a post faster than seeing the top 3 parent threads as a regurgitation of the same inside jokes, pun-chains, and so on.
Don’t expect human nature to change just because some ceo of a different company decided to be a greedy dick, honestly
Damn, we’re already gatekeeping in here? Nice.
It really is fascinating though, having a front row seat to what really is a massive tectonic shift in the history of the internet. Real curious to see how this all plays out. I’ve been online since the early 90’s so I’ve seen tons come and go: AOL, yahoo, slashdot, livejournal, myspace, digg, etc, and this one feels different for some reason, but maybe its just me.
I think it feels different because it’s not website B rolling in as a replacement for website A. It’s an entire new system for social media, so the way you understand and use it has to shift a bit. I find it exciting, a lot more than if we just shifted to a generic centralised reddit alternative.
This is what web 3.0 is about.
Not crypto, but decentralization.
Web 1: fragmentation Web 2: centralizatiom Web 3: decentralization Web 4: quantum entanglement Web 5: …
That’s crazy, we shouldn’t even allow anyone here unless they had at least 1,000 karma on Reddit.
I get what you’re saying, but communities that spend time together will form their inside jokes, their way of doing things, etc. If you don’t like it you don’t have to participate. I say this with the upmost respect, but you need to get over yourself. Nobody is forcing you into a community.
totes agree on that ish
the dumb shit is what makes it feel like a community or friends getting together. if its not that its a college message board for assignments
yeah, it’s almost a bit intimidating to post here now the fun has settled. you have to think of a whole thought about a somewhat serious topic and sometimes that’s just…ugh
ya that hype will die down too
im totally a filthy casual and get the dislike but if lemmy survives and thrives, it will be with the help of shitposters
not everything has to be serious
Thank god. I enjoyed using reddit because I used to shitpost irl and have had to tone it down with work so I need an outlet somewhere…
The relationship advice threads were the weirdest. Someone would post a question like “my wife is sleeping over at her male coworkers place a lot and stopped coming home, should I be worried” and all the answers would be saying they’re just jealous and too controlling.
You and I must have been in opposite threads there. Because it was weird, but in the opposite way you’re describing.
Once saw one where I guy’s wife let her sister something close to 1% of their savings because both the sister and her partner had been laid off in one month. The guy went ballistic and move everything out of their joint accounts into ones under his name only, and gave her a strict allowance. People on reddit were telling him that’s nowhere enough, he should apparently divorce her right away, and maybe sue her.
They were also convinced that because of this one short term loan the SIL and BIL were now going to think he’s a sucker, and they’d move in.
It was weird. Those places often get weird though because people in healthy relationships, or single but happy about it, just don’t show up. So you just gave a cycle of people unhappy with their personal relationships goading other equally unhappy people.
I’m sorry… but the pun threads are legendary. I actually hope they at the very least, continue.
It always puts a smile on my face.
I loved the joke threads. People continuing a reference or pun or joke was just a harmless, fun time.
…and my axe!
am i doing this right?
And the name of that axe was …
Albert AxEinstein
This is the way
Take my upvote! And my !silver
This guy axes.
That’s what she said! B)
ah, the ol’ lemmy-fiddy!
I also choose this guy’s dead lemmy-fiddy
Hold my broken hands, I’m going in!
And don’t forget about the song threads!
Are you sure you liked Reddit?
This has been my internal dialog for a while now.
deleted by creator
Unfortunately it’s just something I think we’re going to have to deal with no matter where you go. Even forums with higher quality users still have lame jokes and puns thrown around.
As a Rexxitor, I second this entirely.
Glad to see one of the first posts I see on here is whining about how other people post. Starting to feel like home already.
Google en passant
holy hell
Actual zombie
New response just dropped
This is one of the jokes I hate the most on reddit. Someone doing a thing another person said they didn’t like. It’s so played out and one of the reasons I was trying to branch off from reddit.
That’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it, but nothing will kill adoption rates harder than doing the whole early Mastodon thing of “you should change how you behave here”
I believe the response you’re looking for is “Well that’s, like, your opinion… man”
sorry, couldn’t resist
Should’ve thought of that one myself, nice
Hopefully you can find some social media platform that doesn’t have any other people on it so that you can live in peace from the dumb shit that other people post.
That’s why I’m starting my own instance! With blackjack! And hookers!
the other thing to consider with low effort, duplication of memes is the server overhead. one thing to burn corporate coffers with the same people of walmart and cat tropes but this kind of stuff burns server and storage resources.
for a corporate entity looking to make billions off our data that’s the cost of doing business – but for lemmy server admins it’s a truly personal cost.
imo we should be respectful of our “homes” and try not to trash them with low value content.
I want to echo what dialectic cake said. I had not considered this at all and it’s such a good thing to keep in mind. Thanks for edifying me!
I think this is an excellent point (re: server overhead) and one I hadn’t considered. Thanks for sharing that.
So much this 1!1!1!
There’s a noticeable generation gap between people who use 1!1!1! and the ones who would say sO MuCh tHiS! I’m not sure when it happened but I’m gonna guess you are about 35?
And another generation gap between people who use a double space after a period and those who just use a single space.
You can always tell when someone was trained to type on a typewriter when that happens.
Why was a double space used?
Printing-press typesetters had a rule for how much space should be between sentences. Then people started having personal typewriters that were monospace, so to make their documents look similar to traditional publications and to more easily see the punctuation marks, people would put two spaces before starting a new sentence. Personal typewriters got more sophisticated with better spacing, making double-spacing unnecessary, and then computers came on the scene with word processing software, which also had no need for the improvised double-spacing.
But people had already learned from their teachers back in high school that they should double-space on the typewriter. So they taught it to their students with advanced typewriters and computers, and some of those students to this day just won’t quit.
Typewriters were/are monospaced, so putting a double space after the full-stop helped you recognise the start of a new sentence, giving it, and you, breathing space.
The PC fonts are size adjusted and double space is no longer necessary, but it doesn’t hurt.
I still find it weird, though. I often use monospaced fonts and a double space just looks wrong to me.
Some people like that stuff, you don’t have to but why make a point of yucking their yum?
how much yum could a yucking yum if a yuck yuck could yuck yum
So you’re saying we should encourage people to not comment and participate because you personally don’t enjoy something?
I know I’m being a bit over the top with the wording there but lets really think about it for a moment. Participation is engagement. And if we want Lemmy and by extension Lemmy.World to grow its what we need.
I upvoted you. Its a valid discussion to have. I just personally don’t think its something we should be worried about in general.
Let Lemmy grow. Growth and low effort pun threads is not what killed reddit. Corporate interference and shit stirring controversy spewing algorithms in the name of “user engagement” is what drove reddit down the drain.
This right here. Puns aren’t what was bad, it was the endless doomscrolling habit and continuous outrage going on that was. All the Rexxitors are going to see a serious uptick in their mental health. The puns were a coping mechanism, I think here that defensive reaction will be minimized.
No the endlessly repetitive puns were bad. They weren’t the only things, but they were absolutely bad.
Exactly. Like, I get that people want to have fun and all and I’m all for it even if it’s not my thing, but any relevant discussion was constantly drowned out by the pun chains and copypasted shit to the point that it was fairly obviously often just bots, but as long as a few people have their fun fuck the discussion right? Right… but I/you/we gotta be less cynical, as was said above the lemmy algo is apparently better with this stuff. So I’m at least going to try to be a little hopeful.
Yea the main reason I hated it was because I had to fuckin dig through a thread if I wanted to find a serious comment about whatever was posted. It wasn’t so much that low effort puns and shit were common, it was that they drowned almost everything else out in a lot of subs. Like even /r/science was turning into a memefest at the end.
I guess we’ll see how things develope here
Lemmy reminds me of old school BBS where actual discussion happened. I know it’s been a shift for me where I actually have to think about a response and hold a discussion instead of just following the patterns. Not that I don’t appreciate rote comments, it’s nice to expect a joke and have that delivered on. Not every thread though.