Seeing Warhammer and SSI on the same box was intriguing.
YouTube Channel:
I also run a record label:
Seeing Warhammer and SSI on the same box was intriguing.
Great idea! What’s the game?
Of course my man. That’s the bandcamp page. Everything is free. Thanks for your interest!
I used to meet artists who made electronic music. I would get permission from as many artists as I could to use their tracks and put together digital mixtape compilation albums for free. It was a good time.
I’m honestly shocked I havent seen any other Motorhead references here yet.
Are you sure you liked Reddit?
I’m not worried about assholes. I’m more interested in being free. As long as the community mods are nice enough, I’m optimistic.
Try starting small. Reply more. Little things like that. Everything helps. Remember that we are interested in what you have in your life that you would like to tell us about.
It feels very raw and less curated which I like. It feels more like I’m interacting with people and less like I’m interacting with an algorithm
Turns out I had Shadow of the Horned Rat on gog. I tried it. It didn’t work.