For me it is opening credits sequence in Nier Automata, Shadowlord’s castle in Nier Replicant and AI reveal in MGS2. All these three games are masterclass in storytelling.
the story reveals in Horizon: Zero Dawn. it’s hard to say much of anything without spoilers, but that game had me absolutely riveted.
also HL: Alyx had some stunning moments. I haven’t been much of a VR fan but that game is fantastic.
I need to figure out how spoilers work in Lemmy haha. hard to talk about.
the story reveals in Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Agreed, they did it brilliantly I thought, very patient with revealing bits of info, building the story piece by piece. It was an amazing experience first time round.
The story in Horizon Forbidden West is pretty good too. There’s a whole bit in the dlc about Ted Faro that I did not see coming, but it makes me think a lot of the tech bros running things today.
I’ve yet to play Alyx, but I have a similar experience with most of VR gaming. It’s an interesting experience, but the controller UX gets really annoying very quickly, IMHO. I’ve had quite some fun playing Elite Dangerous until I got bored. The only VR game I play with some semi regularity is Beat Saber, especially when a good pack comes out…
Get Pistol Whip. The whole idea was to make hybrid between Beat Saber and SUPERHOT and it’s so much more than the sum of its parts. And it’s still getting updated. A new (free) expansion just dropped yesterday. And then there are the custom songs that are only just getting started…
Oh my god, that game looks indeed pretty awesome hahaha. Thanks for the recommendation.
I’ve been playing it daily for years now. Definitely my favourite VR game.
yeah my vr rig is just a dedicated beat saber machine these days.
KotOR. Just the whole thing basically but especially the story turning points.
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
If you played the “evil” plotline, there is a point where Mission (the Twi’lek girl) is telling you how horrible you are and one of your options is to get her best friend Zaalbar (a wookie) to kill her. By this point he owes you a life debt and is honor bound to do what you say. For as terrible as “evil” plotlines tend to be in games, that was an amazingly well done moment.
The factory level in Titanfall 2, where you’re trying to escape
Fuck so good, peak single player FPS. Still blows my mind that they used the Source engine.
They used the Source engine???
Wow that blows my mind too.
And yeah perhaps the most riveting SP FPS I’ve played. Just as you got used to one new gameplay mechanic, they’d throw a new one at you. Story was simple yet badass, tieing it all together
Hmm maybe it’s time for a replay
Gotta say, the opening of Nier Automata is something I tell people how much I hated! It’s a great story, but it’s bad game design.
It’s a mix of cutscenes and gameplay that takes about 40 mins to get through, there’s no saving possible at any time, and if you die then you go right back to the beginning.
And I did die, twice. So yeah, that was a slog, and by the third time round I’m not enjoying the storytelling anymore.
If you are actually good and didn’t die, I can see why you had a different and more enjoyable experience :)
Hard agree. I played through the opening twice in my first sitting. Died both times. Put it down for a year and a half.
Finally decided to try again and picked it back up. Passed the opening sequence and got into the game proper. And, I can say that I had a pretty good time—excepting a key, bullshit timed mission that I barely passed.
They really did not need to gatekeep the game behind the poor design of the opening.
I really enjoyed begining of Automata, action, music and artstyle, but the neat thing is … That opening credits are placed 20+ hours later in the game. And by that time i was really invested in the story and characters.
I also agree that there should be some savepoint in the begining of a game, I died once or twice and it was annoying to replay everything from the start.
This was my experience too, except after dying at the boss I got a Steam refund. Just too frustrating.
Any dialogue instance whatsoever between Aveline and Isabella in Dragon Age II. Here’s one of my (many) favorites:
Aveline: You’re right.
Isabela: About?
Aveline: About knowing who you are.
Aveline: I’m the captain of the guard. I’m loyal, strong, and I don’t look too bad naked.
Isabela: Exactly. And if I called you a mannish, awkward, ball-crushing do-gooder, you’d say…?
Aveline: Shut up, whore.
Isabela: That’s my girl.
When I have a perfectly flat four row stack and the 4x1 tile appears.
The moment early in Fez when you receive your titular hat, hit me at just the right time and place in my life. I was ready for exactly that kind of cheeky, childish, wonderment
So many great moments. One that comes to mind is
Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
Yes!! Mordin’s arc is beautiful <3
Would you kindly?
And the realisation that I not only have no choice if I want to progress the plot, but that at no point to now could I have progressed the plot had I not ‘kindly’ done as requested.
It was such a clever device to put in the story. Innocuous or obvious requests at first until it reached a point where you are forced to kill a guy. Or stop playing. It’s the most original and mind-blowing concept I’ve seen put into a game. I still think of it whenever someone asks me to ‘kindly’ do something.
(In case anyone doesn’t know, though I probably just spoiled one of its biggest moments if you don’t)
“A man chooses. A slave obeys.”
Chrono Trigger. The Magus Fight. The music.
FF6. Magitech Factory. Also music.
Metal Gear Solid. Psycho Mantis. Late at night. Tired.
Eternal Sonata. Last Fight. Intro line.
Hades. Final boss. Extreme measures 4.
NES Tetris. Crashing.
For me, in Chrono Trigger, the most exciting moment was Frog splitting the rock with Masamune. I was shivering with excitement when I saw that.
Burning fields in FarCry 3 jamming to skrillax.
I think I was too jaded towards games at that point in my life, especially the AAA scene
Gotta be the final fight in Metal Gear Solid 4. So ridiculously dramatic
Discussing God and freedom with Morpheus AI in original Deus Ex. It’s just excellently done. The damn thing makes good points, and there’s this soft piano (?) music setting the tone
Blew my mind when I was a kid. That game is filled with moments.
deleted by creator
Getting 25000 points in Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3.
Don’t do this to me