The ban is in effect through Bastille Day in order to prevent “serious disturbances” to public order, the French government announced Sunday.
lmfao did the french gov forget who it’s people are?
Being out the guillotine
The guillotine is too humane.
Yeah. Keep in mind the rich people of this would would gladly rape babies if it made them more money.
They also do it for fun. Just ask Epstein…oh wait, nevermind.
We could ask the man who killed him?
I’d settle for the people on his list but I think that might piss off The Party
Now I am kinda wondering if they killed his killer.
Macron out here with the French Revolution Any% speedrun
Can’t wait to watch the speed run history breakdown of this in a few years
I think this is a great opportunity to see if anybody has a spine anymore. If the French won’t have a proper revolution, we’re fucked.
The fight for progress never stops
No one ever accused the French of
- Being bad at baking
- Not getting good and angry when the government is wrong
- Being ashamed of being French.
I really have to hand it to them. Anglo nations just endure terrible government as an unfixable problem. When you piss the french off they are going to let you know.
Won’t happen.
90% of the population was against the recents riots.
Maybe the government should listen to the people?
That would threaten the profits of the wealthy.
Perhaps the French govt should stop behaving against the will of the French people. 🤷
this make sense. They can’t.
Maybe I don’t understand yet how posts on Lemmy work, but is there no link/source for this post?
Edit: I can’t see it on desktop (lemmy dot world) and neither in Jerboa. Edit2: OP edited the post and included the link which now works. Seems the picture broke the link, according to OP.
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Seconding that it appears to just be a photo with a text post. Broken link maybe? The photo looks like it could be from an article.
Yeah, I’m coming through on wefwef and don’t see a link
I can see the link on liftoff, but not trough connect
Can see the link from kbin just fine
Weird, I can see the link. @histy @Gramatikal (see if mentioning works)
It links to a business insider article
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Oh weird, adding a picture killed the link. Lemme see if I can fix that.
Sorry, I’m new here.
Now it works for me, thanks!
No problem. I just hope that soon these instances will support pulling thumbnails from the articles to give the links a richer presence here. They’re all so uniform and ugly right now.
If you’re viewing in compact mode on wefwef I believe that’s a known issue.
I’m not seeing it on desktop (lemmy dot world) and also not in the Jerboa app.
I’m coming here from kbin and see the link fine
Does kbin have any mobile apps yet?
No, there’s one called Artemis in dev but since kbin doesn’t have an a available API yet it’s not easy.
This is some very ironic, animal farm energy here. The government has forgotten who gave them their power.
Well tbf the Storming of the Bastille was (off the top of my head) two monarchies, two empires and two republics ago. Not to mention any communes, committees of public safety, or directories. How can you blame them for getting confused?? /s
They do still have multiple programs in place to ensure the populace always has bread. They haven’t completely forgotten.
A tale as old as
I hate fireworks but this seems like a good reason to keep them around.
You can have my fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers. Which are over there, near the fireworks.
I know they did this to weaken protests, BUT… I’d say everywhere in the world would be a much better place if we banned fireworks forever.
It’s always struck me as rather odd that, in the US, one of our major holidays celebrating the military features fireworks considering how awful they can be for many veterans’ PTSD.
Why does that strike you as odd? America doesn’t care about its veterans.
Unfortunately our military is way too big to give veterans the proper care they need.
I think the average person wants to support veterans, but when you have 26 million of them it makes it extremely costly.
As with most things, take it from the wealthy.
If it ever seems like there’s not enough to go around, blame those who have too much. We could solve these problems, but not while protecting the profits of the ruling class.
As with most things, take it from the wealthy.
I disagree that all of our problems can be solved by taking other peoples wealth and the government allocating it as they deem fit.
If it ever seems like there’s not enough to go around, blame those who have too much
Why? If my neighbor hunts deer and gets 10 deer this winter, and I hunt and get 0, how is it his fault?
We could solve these problems, but not while protecting the profits of the ruling class.
We could solve these problems but we gave 10 trillion dollars into a black pit of war and the military industrial complex over the last 2 decades.
We could solve these problems but the government has a budget with 50% going towards social programs that are economically unsustainable.
If your neighbour, having been born in an extremelly wealthy family, hired 100 hunters and hunted all deers in a 100 mile radius and offered to sell you venison, and you subsequently went hunting, got 0 and had to buy the venison from him, that would absolutelly be his fault.
As it so happens my version of the metaphor is very much how it works nowadays at that level of wealth compared to the normal individual.
It’s funny that in your mind they work just like you, even down to doing it hands on: that’s not even close to how it happens with the vast majority of them and even the ones who do “work” used their wealth as a force multiplier to make way more happen than you could ever possibly do and thus get way more benefits than you could possible get (normallly make way more money which they can use as an even bigger force muliplier in the next round).
Thanks to the force-multiplying effect of money the actions of the rich absolutely have the power (quite often purposefully abused, like in my hunting metaphor) to distort the conditions within which everybody else “hunts” and make sure everybody else has to go through them to get what they need.
Nobody would have any problem with the rich if their taking wasn’t so vast that it stops everybody else from getting even a little bit.
If your neighbour, having been born in an extremelly wealthy family, hired 100 hunters and hunted all deers in a 100 mile radius and offered to sell you venison, and you subsequently went hunting, got 0 and had to buy the venison from him, that would absolutelly be his fault.
His fault of what? Hunting more? I don’t own the deer, nor the land the deer are on. In fact, it’d probably work better for me, he doesn’t have use for all the deer, and I can buy it pretty cheap from him without getting my hands dirty. Isn’t that what you do? All your stuff, do you make it? Or buy it from someone who provides it?
As it so happens my version of the metaphor is very much how it works nowadays at that level of wealth compared to the normal individual.
Not really. You didn’t explain why it’s my neighbors responsibility to give me food.
It’s funny that in your mind they work just like you, even down to doing it hands on: that’s not even close to how it happens with the vast majority of them and even the ones who do “work” used their wealth as a force multiplier to make way more happen than you could ever possibly do and thus get way more benefits than you could possible get (normallly make way more money which they can use as an even bigger force muliplier in the next round).
Yeah. Once you have your needs met and have expendable income you can use that how you see fit. Some use it for luxuries, some use it to make more money.
I’m not gonna be mad at how someone uses their property. That doesn’t do anybody any good.
Nobody would have any problem with the rich if their taking wasn’t so vast that it stops everybody else from getting even a little bit.
Yes, you and many other young left wing folks would. It stems from jealousy, not necessity. The world is a much much much better place due to capitalism, which has brought insane amounts of people out of poverty, into positions they don’t have to worry about starving everyday.
You’re just mad because your wealth hasn’t increased as much as theirs. Your life is easier than 90% of people throughout world history, your on your little Mac or Iphone, in your air conditioned home because it’s a little too hot this july, drinking your starbucks coffee, stewing in hatred about how rich people are awful, but anybody in human history will look at your life of luxury and be appalled how someone with so much comfort and wealth is complaining.
Maybe we should have less wars?
Just spitballing here.
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I absolutely agree, I’m conservative and am fine with cutting 80% of our foreign military activity.
Using that money to help folk here including veterans.
I feel like agreeing is some sorta trap for some reason.
All I know is I protested the Iraq war and I protested our involvement with the “moderates” in Syria.
I don’t think it’s a trap.
I was only 9 when we invaded Iraq, I wasn’t in much of a position to protest.
But seeing for the majority of my life, how that played out, along with studying American history and our involvement in other countries the last ~70ish years has made me a borderline military pacifist. We spent some 10-20 trillion on an endless war that got us absolutely nothing, and killed millions of people across the world. What Americans life was positively impacted from that?
I’m almost always going to say to stay out of foreign conflicts going onward.
I mean when I set off some fireworks I am not trying to mess with some vet. You are right however, I should be more aware of this issue.
I’ve never met one Veteran that was against planned fireworks displays. It’s the backyard ones that are the issue.
So a temp ban. Nice clickbait headline there bastardinsider . com.
So…if the government turns on the people, what do the French have to protect themselves with?
The citizens just ask the politicians to come to the guillotines, plz?
Yes, France clearly needs the right to bear arms just like Iran does.
Remember all the uproar happening in Iran last year? What happened? Did they topple their abusive regime without guns or foreign intervention?
Everyone was calling them so brave and now it’s just silence.
The Iran thing was doomed to failure not because of guns but because of ideas.
In a war between the strict version of an ideology and the less strict one the strict version is always going to win. The revolution in Iran was for diet Islam against real Islam.
Look at the Russian, American, and French revolutions. It is trivial to name open atheists/diests/secularists in all three. Can you name a single one for Iran without hours of searching to find maybe one tik tok video?
Ideas matter.
I don’t know about Iran’s gun rights to have much input on that comparison.
From what I remember, I thought the protests were mainly by the youth in universities.
i would love to punch macaroni or whatever his name is
It’s alright, we’ll just switch to pipe bomb
Roll out the guillotines! It’s time to get this party started already. It’s been long enough that the rich billionaires in the world meet their fate.
Can you smell it? Revolution is coming.
lol, okay there. Let’s settle down and wipe the Doritos from your face, Chequito. This protest has very little to do with any sort of revolution, and even if it did, your next in line after Macron is currently Le Pen, who would simply make things even worse. So really, I don’t think you understand what the fuck you’re talking about.
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And so it begins…