This is the best thing I have seen all week
This is an insult to flurries
Source: am administrator.
If you’re a non-furry-administrator you’re definitely the exception. Like a Somalian single child.
You cant be a non furry sysadmin. You can only not be a furry sysadmins yet.
insult to flurries
Good thing you have your fursuit to keep you warm
pictures should be flipped?
Quadrupeds can run on the front paws better than bipeds, so the sysadmin should win.
Most people in fursuits seem to be non-facultative bipeds, so that advantage wouldn’t be of much help.
I’m pretty sure furries are typically foss devs not sysadmins.
Real sysadmins blend in so well because they don’t want anything to do with technology and the internet at home.
I love how social media promotes poor mental health
While I think furries generally have Bad mental health, it is not caused by being a furry, but the reason for someone to have Bad mental health is generally also the reason why they are furries
Example: i am an autist, and that is part of the cause for my bad mental health, but being an autist is also part of (or maybe even the) reason I am a furry
EDIT: added an „also” in the first paragraph
“Run as root”
“Run as (g)root”
Every furry that i’ve ever seen gives off the energy of a JavaScript dev.