I am struggling. Only have Shadowheart and my PC at level 3.


I killed the priestess inside the silence spell but she managed to walk out and call for help on her last turn.

I then unlocked the underdark but don’t want to explore that yet.

Now I have found the drow and the hobgoblin but they are surrounded by all the minons and I can’t take a fight. SHould I keep exploring? I found the cave below the spiders but haven’t gone in yet, had to restart that save because it was in battle and I yeeted myself off the cliff to avoid more dudes.

I love this game. As a BG1/2 fanboy and an overall hater of turn based games I felt betrayed when Larian got the IP and turned it into a Divinity clone, but I am having so much fun. It is like I am playing 5e by myself. Also talking to all the animals is so great.

  • @TheGreatFox@lemm.ee
    152 years ago

    Why is it only you and Shadowheart?

    By the time you get to the goblin camp, you should have encountered Asterion, Gale, Wyll, and Lae’zel.

    Companion Locations

    The first two are near the crashed Nautiloid (tentacle ship), before the goblin fight in front of the grove. Asterion to the west of the ship, Gale to the east at the fast travel point. Wyll is easy to miss, but he’s training the tiefling kids inside the druid grove. And Lae’zel got herself trapped by tieflings, south of the grove, should be on the way to the goblin camp.

    • ChrisOP
      132 years ago

      Thanks that is probably my problem. I thought the game funneled me here but I probably just need to explore more.

      • rafoix
        112 years ago

        Larian games tend to highly reward thorough exploration with much needed XP and quality gear.

        Not exploring an area 100% counts as a punishment because you missed out on XP, gear and NPCs that could definitely help.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        11 year ago

        They make it seem like it’s imperative that you get to Halsten right away. I was afraid to even take a long rest when I started playing. If you go any direction other than the one they try to funnel you into, then you miss all of the companions. I did the same thing and was getting absolutely bodied at the Goblin Camp. Go back and find some companions and the fights will be 200% easier.

    • JackbyDev
      32 years ago

      Maybe they failed the strength check to save Gale and didn’t reload thinking they’d see him again. I’m still angry about this. One stupid failed roll less than an hour in… I’m 50 hours in and haven’t seen him.

  • Cylusthevirus
    132 years ago

    Head back towards the Nautiloid and see who else is around. Don’t be afraid to click on stuff. You’ve missed at least 3 potential companions already!

  • morgan423
    92 years ago

    Are you on a challenge run?

    I’m playing on medium (standard) difficulty, but I needed a full party at level 3-4 to clear that entire area. There are parts that are tough due to quantity of opponents, and parts that are tough due to quality of opponents.

    I’m not sure how you’d clear it with only two characters.

    • ChrisOP
      62 years ago

      That is my problem! I missed the other companions.

      • Hillock
        22 years ago

        Do you already have Withers in your camp? If so get 2 hirelings in the meantime. They only cost 100 or 200 gold. No reason to stay as 2. I too made a similar mistake and only had 3 party memembers for a big part of Act 1 until I got a hireling. And the game is just balanced around having 4 members in your party. It also doesn’t affect XP.

        • ChrisOP
          12 years ago

          I walked around and now I have withers and 4 companions! I think I have done most of the exploring so gonna go try the camp again.
          Still can’t find that tree bark cuz I failed my nature check, but if I really want I can look up the location :(

  • Prince Humperdinck
    82 years ago

    At the risk of minor spoilers: I had a full party at that point and still needed help. I refuse to kill innocent animals so I let the spiders out and let them do a good chunk of the killing for me indoors.

  • espiritu_p
    52 years ago

    I may have two advices: don’t talk to the Drow if you want to clear the Goblin camp anyway.
    If the enemies are too many and too strong (as the Hobgoblin and his brood) avoid an open battle.

    Sorry for not getting clearer but you wanted it spoiler-free.

  • If you talk to Minthara, you can bait her into ::: spoiler assaulting the grove, at which point you can help the tieflings defend it. :::

    You’re also a bit under-leveled and should have a full party by now! Do some more exploring and don’t try to rush the main quest, even if the game makes it sound super urgent.

  • Dalimey
    42 years ago

    I’m impressed it’s only the two of you at that level. Are you having trouble finding the others, or are you intentionally going at it as a duo?

    • ChrisOP
      32 years ago

      Nope just an idiot that didn’t explore! I will try to find Halsin and if not I will leave the fortress and find the other companions! This is probably what i needed to know!

      • @pixelscience@lemm.ee
        2 years ago

        I would come back after you open up a lot more of the map.


        Especially the area around the crashed ship.

        There’s a lot more around there than it first appears.

        I think I had unlocked 6 companions before I went back and cleared the Goblin Camp.

  • @tmijail@lemmy.world
    32 years ago

    I’d teleport to a waypoint outside the camp, find the other companions, maybe level up a bit, and then teleport to the underdark to get back inside the camp.

  • @B_DL@lemmynsfw.com
    32 years ago

    Did you poison the beer at the back of the area? If you do that then most of them die off and the rest are at low health.

  • @bouh@lemmy.world
    32 years ago

    It’s impressive if you’re only struggling with 2 char at lvl3 there!

    You may find help in the goblin fortress if you explore a bit more. You can also wander around to get to lvl4 before you come back. Or take a long rest, but there might be consequences, I don’t know. Underdark might be difficult but still doable too.

  • @TheCyberBob@lemmy.world
    22 years ago

    So I’m not sure what your character is class wise. But if they’re good at sneaking and ranged attacks there’s a way to get into the rafters above the Hobgoblin. Attack and immediately go into hiding. Rinse, lather, repeat. IF they do come out and chase you the platform that you have to get up to get to the rafters has only 2 ladders up. So you could use Shadowheart to push off (or at least try).

  • Meldrik
    12 years ago

    Is it by choice that you are only a party of 2?

    Have you found Halfin the Druid yet? 😉