So were you shamed by someone for doing this? Or maybe you’re projecting that you think people would shame you for doing this?
Why is it that gamers who play at lower difficulty levels need to tell people about it in a manner that acts like it’s some sort of “against the grain/unpopular opinion” thinking?
Jurassic park meme:
This guy over here doesn’t want to be challenged by the game’s combat system!
See? Nobody cares.
but that game was 5 Acts
Are you implying that because the game had more acts it is in some way better? PS:T has been my #1 game for decades so I’m not exactly disparaging it here, but this argument is ridiculous. A PS:T completion takes probably 50-70 hours tops, depending on your reading speed. I’m 2/3 of the way through bg3 at 80+ hours… More acts does not equal more content or better content.
Truly the best cRPG ever made. It surpasses even the golden age of the Infinity Engine.
Huge portions of the game are set behind exploration so definitely comb the map.
Karens ask to speak with the manager. They don’t walk out in a non-confrontational manner. Don’t be stupid on purpose to look clever.
If nobody uses the platform then there is no reason for it to exist. The fewer people who use it, the less functional it is as a social medium. Pretty obvious shit.
The only way to anticipate a Bethesda release.
Not sure what you mean. Reddit is like ignorant liberal mecca. So many corporate dem supporters there that would much rather engage in (an endless void of culture war nonsense) gender politics than class politics. The liberals that don’t even realize they’re right of center and that being offended for someone doesn’t make them a progressive or a leftist (or even a good person). They also love the aid to Ukraine. Clownshow.
Edit: looks like is next in line to be ignorant liberal mecca.
I don’t really like talking about my office days…
Starfield is going to be disappointing as fuck after bg3.
Skywind or bust.
Yes. And if someone asks me to guess the length of an object I will give centimetres, and refuse to translate to inches and their stupid fractions.
Some proud neckbeard shit right here. “Fuck communicating effectively with people. They don’t even know I only use the metric system!”
But yeah, got em… I guess.
Yeah, wait for those day 2 patches boys! Gonna make all the difference in your gaming experience. /s
The real story here is that Larian had a day 2 patch and didn’t take months to fix things that were broken at launch like 80% of the other companies would have. Acting like news of a day 2 patch is reason to wait on games as if it was such a long time is absurdity and bullshit.
Day 2 patching is something that we should be praising, but this jackoff is here acting like it’s a reason to cry doom at game development in general.
^ Proof that gamers will complain about literally anything.
Also I’ll add here that not every single fight in these games needs to be a masterpiece of strategy. RTWP allows you to blow through boring grindy combat that doesn’t require strategy if you’re over leveling an area or something. I’ll be doing quests and finding loot while you’re stuck grinding the same turn based combat over and over again.
Don’t lead your fireballs. Just wait to use fireball until the fight is setup and your tank(s) is in position. I guarantee this isn’t a RTWP issue. Most people complaining about RTWP just aren’t good at the game and refuse to understand more.
Source: played lots RTWP games when I was a literal child and made it work just fine on harder difficulties because I learned how to play the game and didn’t simmer about the combat system being one way or another.
I literally don’t care if yall want to mod your RTWP games to be turn-based or whatever, but don’t act like RTWP is the issue and not your own inability to learn.
I’m well aware of how the systems work. The point is that you have more fine grained control over everything in rtwp even without automation.
Omg so shocking politicians are corrupt ass hats who literally exist in a different class than the rest of us.
Sounds like you’ve just always been a rube. So are you going further left or just voting for the people who literally tell you they don’t care?