I’m waiting for the PS5 release because no PC atm but I’ve decided to play Ranger/Fighter on my first playthrough and really want to try monk/Barbarian on my second playthrough but wondering how hard it be to make it viable.
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Imo the spicier build is OHMonk 9/thief rogue 3. You lose reckless attack, but with tavern brawler’s extra 5 to-hit, accuracy is already fantastic. You lose 2 damage per strike, but gain an entire extra bonus action that is resource free. That’s two more strikes with flurry of blows, an additional topple or push check, etc.
It also gives you cunning action, which is bonus action dash/disengage without costing ki. The downside is your stats are more tight, and less AC, but I was still able to get to 20 with the right gear.
So just make a strength focused monk? Also what stat should I use for unarmored defense?
Unarmored defence is CON for barbarians.
But for monks it’s dex or wisdom so one of those might be better?
Dex is always part of the equation for unarmored defense. Con is superior for defensive, since it also increases your HP.
And you won’t use wis for much anyway – is there anything other than Stunning Strike DC affected by wis?
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What’s the build for (ranged not) ranger sword bards look like? I’m level 6 as a sword bard and just got some gloves that set my Dex to 18 and add +1 to attack so I’m feeling pretty stabby right now.
Edit: ranged, not ranger
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Shoot sorry that definitely was supposed to be ‘ranged’ sword bards
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That sounds super fun, I’m going to have to play around with some respects. Thanks!
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Play on the easiest difficulty. You’ll love it, I promise. It’s like having a DM that allows you to do the most ridiculous stuff and still proceed in the game.
But you can’t multiclass on the easiest difficulty. And I quite like a challenge and have played quite a few other Crpgs
Whaaaat really? That seems like an odd restriction to make on the easy mode. I’m playing balanced because I want fun over pain but I haven’t dabbled in multiclassing yet. Enjoying my level 11 storm sorcerer who shocks people that touch him
I agree, I mean if it’s easier then shouldn’t multiclassing be even more viable??
Multiclassing is way more confusing and much easier to screw up your build with. The easiest difficulty is meant for people who don’t know DnD/RPGs. That’s why it makes sense to remove it.
But you can still multi class and play on easiest difficulty. You simply change the difficulty before leveling up and then change the difficulty back. You can change difficulty freely in the option.
Just my $0.02 on the matter:
After using Karlach as my Barb/Monk for a bit at lv5 on Tactician, it’s absolutely bonkers. I have basically pumped STR/CON and abuse Tavern Brawler and Rage, and lemme tell ya, doing around 40 damage per turn with just two basic attacks is pretty damn good. Planning on doing Barb 3/Monk x for Karlach since I want to get Frenzy and Reckless Attack for her for even more damage.
I’m playing as an half orc monk and he is very viable. Very hard to hit and punches everyone in the face.
I meant Monk/Barbarian multiclass
I’m playing a monk as my first full playthrough, it’s been a lot of fun.
Just be mindful of MAD (multi ability score dependent). Ideally your class or multiclass will rely on one score + constitution; that’s why combinations like sorcadin (sorcerer + paladin) are community favourites, because both classes use charisma. With Barbarian/Monk, you want STR and/or DEX, and WIS, on top of CON, so you’re gonna be spread more thinly there. Also, the unarmored defense from each class probably won’t stack (it doesn’t in tabletop, and I assume BG3 would handle it the same way) because you can only use one calculation to determine your armor class.
If by “viable” you mean “usable” then yes, it will be, especially on lower difficulties (and probably fun!). But if you mean “optimal” or especially strong, then from what I understand, no, not really. But I’m going off of my pretty basic knowledge of each class and how they interact; I could be wrong, and I haven’t tried that combo myself in the game.
With no multiclass stat restrictions, does monk/barb actually need wis?
Also you can go all in on either str or dex just fine because of monk weapons.
Ahh that’s right, so you could actually just dump WIS if you don’t care about saving throw attacks. I forgot they lifted the stat requirement.
But yeah that’s why I put and/or, and it looks like STR would be the pretty clear choice between the 2 for melee damage (since it’s the stat your other abilities depend on). I guess the only other consideration then is when it comes online, since you’re always starting at level 1, and I don’t know enough about the builds there to say
I didn’t think you could dual class in this game.
In BG1 sure. 3? Didn’t see the option.
You can, in the level up menu there’s an option to add a new classs.
Huh… what pairs well with Druid?
If you go barbarian, you can rage and then wildshape to be a really tanky bear but you won’t be able to concentrate on any spells while raging Cleric is probably better for a caster druid, and Light Cleric has a great reaction at 1st level to impose disadvantage on an attacker. Ranger has good options for proficiencies and resistances at 1st level. If you go 3 levels into ranger, one of the subclasses can give you an animal companion
Barbarian works well. Rage stays active after you wild shape, so you can be a raging bear.
Monk might also work. I am not sure how the calculations work in BG3. But you could potentially gain a decent amount of AC.
And as with all Spell casters a single level of Wizard gives you access to learn spells from scrolls. Spell levels aren’t class locked in BG3, so you can still learn level 4 spells from scrolls even as a level 1 Wizard as soon as your Druid has access to level 4 spells. Druid isn’t the best for this and sorcerer/cleric would benefit more from it. But it still gives a ton of additional utility ritual spells.
You definitely can. It’s not immediately obvious but on the upper right of where your “level up” stats are there is an option to add another class level.
Huh… wonder what Druid goes well with