The previous post was starting to lose steam so here is another one.

Please note that these will be pinned at the top of the community, so do remember to check back to these threads. The more people contribute, the more other people will check it out and continue the discourse.

As always, please be careful of spoilers. Use warnings and tags when needed.

Feel free to share anything you want, or ask any questions :D

Lucky rolls to you all.

    602 years ago

    Who is with me: Larian improves the BG3 engine, and starts putting out D&D campaigns, from the classics on. Buck the Baldurs Gate thing, and do some modules as games. Be my dungeon master, Larian.

      152 years ago

      I’d love that but it’s far too lucrative an idea for Wizards of the Coast to ever do it with the way their business is currently being run

      102 years ago

      Honestly, the number one thing I wished for while playing BG3 was DOS3. BG3 is great and all and the combat is fun, but there are so many things about DND 5e (and especially its combat) that just don’t work well (both in BG3 and tabletop imo).

      But DOS3, where every ability would be designed fresh, without any pre-defined requirements, combined with the amazing engine that they’ve built for BG3? That just sounds soo good imo.

      So yeah, I can’t wait for them to go back to working on something else actually.

      72 years ago

      When I began the fight, my wife thought the song was hilarious. Since I had a lot of trouble with it, by the time I finished, she hated it. She’d start groaning everytime Raphael would start singing.

      62 years ago

      I think that was the highlight of the game for me, which is kinda wild because I only went on a whim. My story wasn’t pushing me in that direction at all, just figured I’d poke around. Great fight, too. I’d been steamrolling everything for most of the act by that point, so it was nice to get challenged again.

      The song was a pleasant surprise too. That, the harpy song, and the Ketheric/Gith battle music are going to be stuck in my head for a while.

      2 years ago

      Aw man, I decided to save and quit about 5 minutes away from this boss fight and now I’m super excited to play some more.

      Edit: This was a great boss fight. “Liiiives, all mortal liiives, expiiire”

    • SinkingLotus
      42 years ago

      From the first moment I met Raphael I kept expecting him to break into song. Didn’t think it would actually happen but damn was it glorious.

    • Coelacanth
      32 years ago

      I’m at the door of the final fight, but House of Hope is my highlight of the game so far. I loved Raphael from the moment he appeared and his conclusion was as epic as was befitting him. I like him so much I might side with him next time. Among a selection of great voice acting I might like his the best, too. Not just the song. Great character.

      32 years ago

      I liked the fight with him but I was a little frustrated at how railroaded into it I was. I had planned to get in, and get out before he got back but it just drops you into a fight with him. I’d love for them to add a round timer and make it possible to get out without fighting him.

    2 years ago

    Quests and gameplay bugs aside, am I the only one who has a gripe with how there are so little to no good looking helmets in the game? Most of the time it’s set to Hide Helmet for all of my characters. I just want my Oathbreaker to look the part.

      72 years ago

      Agreed. The circlets are the only consistently good ones because they’re barely there. It’s tragic when a helmet is both a huge upgrade and distressingly ugly.

    • SinkingLotus
      72 years ago

      Agreed on the helmets. It would be great if the hide helmet option worked on the party members you leave back at camp.

      My biggest gripe would be the inability to preview dyes though.

    • Coelacanth
      2 years ago

      There is a hood and a couple of hats, but otherwise definitely agreed.

    2 years ago

    I just opened the game for the first time, haven’t started playing yet. The EULA is already entertaining. They encourage fan art because “there is no fiend in the Realms that doesn’t have a soft spot for idolatry, and admittedly We’re no different. So send Us your best work and know that mortals who amuse Us often get better perks”. There is more lighthearted, not-so-legal speech in here. I appreciate them considering those of us insane enough to read the damn EULA.

    • Shush
      62 years ago

      Really?! That’s amazing. A little gem that probably almost everyone missed.

      Are there others like this in the EULA?

      • Coelacanth
        92 years ago

        There is, I believe they have an easter egg about Warlock pacts in there. A warning about being careful to sign your soul away or something like that.

        • Shush
          32 years ago

          That is the absolute best thing I’ve ever heard. It’s awesome!

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      32 years ago

      That’s amazing! Is there a way to read it after accepting it? I searched for it but I could find it, and the EULA linked on the Steam store doesn’t contain any of that.

      Tho I found funny parchments to request days off work:, scroll down a bit and click on “baldur’s day dispensation”.

  • @JimmyMcGill@lemmy.worldOP
    212 years ago

    Is anyone else at awe with how massive this game actually is?

    Like I was in a big zone in Act 2, explored the crap out of it, went past the next part of the main story line but decide to explore a bit more. I find a door to some seemingly small dungeon… “Uh let’s see where this leads.” It’s starts to become bigger and bigger, and then inside that there’s another door to an even bigger place. Holy shit I’m completely lost, I don’t even know what I’ve already left behind.

    minor spoiler for zone name in Act 2

    I’m talking about the Mausoleum for those reading this.

    The only downside is that I get rather tired when playing splitscreen on my living room TV. Otherwise I think I wouldn’t even leave my home for 2 weeks.

    I would kill for the dynamic split screen from DOS2.

        92 years ago

        I disagree with this. Unless you rush it the game is longer and bigger than tyranny, I’m 100h into the game and I’m still far from the end it seems. I couldn’t get far into pathfinder video games because they’re meat grinders with shitty balance. For kingmaker I was so bored of fighting the same ethereal enemies over and over and over and fights were very tedious because I didn’t have an optimized team.

        Bg3 is open, both like open world and open scenario. Combat is as good as exploration or narration imo.

        Now I love planescape torment direly. But BG3 is bigger than that imo. There are so many secrets everywhere, and so many branches. PST doesn’t have so many pathes, it’s more linear in some ways. The intensity of the scenario is comparable between the 2, but PST is deeper in the philosophy and more intimate.

    112 years ago

    Controversial take: party size unlock is absolutely the best experience, feels more narratively justified and more like a 5e D&D adventure.

      52 years ago

      First thing I did once I had more than 3 party members! Game isn’t quite balanced for it but the difficulty level changes helps. Ran into one bug already (getting on a boat in the underdark area) that made 3 party members forever invisible. Definitely makes the big battles super cool!

    • Shush
      42 years ago

      Once I finish my normal run I’m already planning a second modded run with Tactician Plus, Better AI, more spells and Party Limits Begone mods. I’m gonna go all out here.

    2 years ago

    About to go into the final battle and finish the game off for my 1st run. I’ll probably shelve the game for a couple months and play Starfield and Phantom Liberty and then give an evil run through a try.

    Loved act 1, but not too impressed with act 3. Seemed a bit rushed and all over the place, maybe should’ve split the content up and made an act 4. Always felt with Larian games that the writing usually falls apart near the end and this game was no exception. Bit let down with the other 2 chosen fights as well. The highlight was definitely the house of hope, between the music, the characters you deal with and the fight itself it was absolutely my favourite part of act3.

    I’ve also run into numerous bugs requiring reloads too. Jumping across a small gap and characters will get caught on some invisible wall and just die. Quests not completing or triggering properly. Companions repeating dialogue or just giving me dialogue as if I chose different outcomes from quests(looking at you Gale). Also managed to get two different outcomes for the same gather your allies quest so I guess I’ll see if that works out or not. (EDIT: Just a dialogue/extra character glitch. Didn’t have two skills in the allies bar to use for them)

    All in all I enjoyed the game, but bg2 is one of my all time favourite rpgs and this fell short for me. I’m glad it did really well though, hopefully they can make an Icewind Dale or Neverwinter Nights game, that would be wicked.

      21 year ago

      Honestly upsetting that you return to normal size in dialogue as well. Running a Godzilla Tav and trying to be double big from elixer and enlarge person as much as possible. These ants should be talking to my knee caps!

    92 years ago

    Does it bother anyone else that if you’re playing an elf, the narration for camp scenes never remembers that elves don’t sleep? It’s bad enough that the trance animation is very similar to sleeping anyway.

      31 year ago

      Oh crap I never even thought of that. I haven’t looked very deep into dnd lore but does it say anything about how elves handle not sleeping mentally?

        41 year ago

        They spend 4 hours each day meditating in a trance, during which they remain semi-conscious. They don’t dream in the same way that humans do; their trance-visions are the result of mental exercises that have become reflexive through repetition. Having strange dreams should be extremely concerning for them, and sneaking up on them should be more challenging than sneaking up on a sleeping human; neither of these things are really reflected in BG3.

          41 year ago

          IIRC, elves can sleep properly, if they want to, they just generally choose not to. And depending on the age of the elf, they do “dream” in their trance, IIRC. Said dreams are memories of their past lives. (Since elf souls are special and don’t work like regular souls.) Realistically though, none of our companions are in the right age range (dreams being super rare for elves older than ~100 and younger than ~600). Astarion might dream normally though, if he ever sleeps*, severed from their reincarnation cycle as he is by his nature as a vampire spawn?

          When in doubt though, blame tadpoles. :P

    82 years ago

    Laezel’s been growing on me lately. Used to not like her that much at the start but now she’s a permanent member of my party. Interested to know how others feel about her

      52 years ago

      I like her. Romanced her. She has always been in my party. Her and Shadowheart are both great. I had to tell the wizard to fuck off when I ran out of items I could part with so I don’t know how I feel about him, but in general I’m not a fan of the class so he’d need a great personality to make up for that. I’m not a huge fan of Halsin, Wyll, or the barbarian even though I like all three classes. I’ve never met Astarion, so I’m not sure if I missed him or haven’t gotten to him yet.

      I sort of feel like all the characters are assholes. Interesting and entertaining assholes certainly, but I don’t think I like any of them. Laezel, though, is at least perfectly upfront about who she is. She knows exactly what she wants, gives no fucks about anything else, and tells you exactly that. I think I asked if she loved me and she basically said wtf are you an idiot? We are mates, that’s it.

      Anyway my game just bugged and I can’t move so I think I’m going to take a break and then start over again with a different character. I’m kinda sick of my female wood elf’s stupid face. She always looks constipated.

          2 years ago

          I never did the investigate Kargha quest which seems to be the only reason to go to that corner of the map. I didn’t explore because I had plenty of things to pursue and then suddenly I was in act 2.

              12 years ago

              I’m now on my 4th character. Two I decided early on I didn’t like. My third met an end near to act 3 I think around level 7 or maybe 8 when a bug left it so that my only means of moving my main character was to shove them. I’m now on my 4th character through Act 1 and this is the first time I’ve found him, and that wasn’t until a bit into the druid camp stuff. Also the first time I’ve run into the hag.

              I crash, explore the immediate vicinity thoroughly, get shadowheart, follow the trail of bodies and loot to the ruin, go around because it’s locked, find gale, loot the ruin, find laezel, and then hit the druid camp and it’s off to the races with chasing down quest markers. Interesting that the pattern of exploration that feels right to me must have a gaping hole in it. That part feels so linear I don’t know how I’ve been missing him.

              I appreciate your observations.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      32 years ago

      I hated her at first, but after a while I started to see her reasons and also made her a bit less rigid so I don’t mind her so much anymore.

      Only thing I still hate is that I seem to never have appropriate responses in dialogs when she’s being rude, like all my options feel too submissive and I don’t like that.

      22 years ago

      She left my party permanently fairly early on in my first run due to a bug, so I never really got to know her then. On my second run, I was impressed by how well her zealotry was acted and found her abrasiveness towards NPCs amusing. Ultimately though, she settled into merely being interesting by being a look into the githyanki, similarly to how I ended up with Dak’kon in Planescape: Torment. The lore and culture was more interesting to me than the character.

    72 years ago

    Stopping now after making it about 2/3rds of the way in on my second run. Had a blast, but with as many bugs as I’m running into now even before Act 3, I think it’s best to shelve it until more fixes are made. Straw that broke the camel’s back was missing romance scenes seemingly because I didn’t long rest enough. That’s funny because I felt like my party was getting wrecked a lot more than my first party was, so I had to be resting even more. Maybe by Act 2 I had figured things out more than I realized.

    Next run (whenever that is) I’m thinking evil bard and fully Embracing My Potential, if you know what I mean. Also probably going to bump it up to Tactician when I hit level 5 on that run.

    72 years ago

    Disclaimer: if this is how you like to play that is okay.

    I find it so confusing that people are asking for specific builds with what spells to take and what items to equip. Although it’s a singleplayer game with a difficulty that doesn’t require much optimization (if any) even on tactician. I really enjoy trying different builds that seem fun regardless if they are the strongest or not, so to me following a build would take out half the fun of the game.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      52 years ago

      I come from MMOs, didn’t know anything about DnD nor cRPGs, I needed to be told everything on how to build a char, what spells to take and what items to get. I don’t personally ask but reading responses to other players questions helps me immensely.

      It took me a month to learn the rules and understand what’s available in game (DnD is hard lol, when you start from nothing) and now I can start making my own choices even if I don’t yet fully understand everything.

      I guess there are other people like me, BG3 is not only for DnD/cRPGs fans.

    61 year ago

    Man. The Phalar Aluve is my favorite sword. I’m probably a bit biased because I’m running a Paladin/Bard, but the 1d4 plus to attack rolls and Cha, Wis, and Int saving throws while it’s singing, has saved my bacon more times than I can count.

      31 year ago

      Also, it’s great that drow clerics of Eilistraee can get it for their RP, since the longsword is very important to her worship.

    62 years ago

    Act 3 bugs and unexpected quest lock offs make me sad. My Monk is now punching his way directly to the finish line and I’ll roll a new hero and play again in a little while. Had a blast but a bit disappointed with the bugs.

      42 years ago

      What bugs did you have? I guess I’m surprised to hear of complaints about it, I haven’t really had any in 150 hours. Guess just got lucky.

        22 years ago

        Not many to be fair, but they have been frustrating.

        A certain character repeating quest dialogue but not advancing the quest. This was after a significant amount of effort including a boss fight, had to abandon the quest.

        One bigger quest to help a group of people unexpectededly closed but my journal wasn’t updated so it just stays there in an incomplete state. Quite frustrating as I was really wanting to do it and it also blocked two areas that I wanted to come back and explore.

          22 years ago

          I had a similar thing where I couldn’t advance in a quest which required me to talk to a companion and they just kept repeating a line and not giving me dialogue options.

          But then I figured out I had to talk to them with a specfic character for the dialogue to open up. It definitely wasn’t clear that I needed to do that or which character needed to talk with them though. Can remember which quest it was.

    62 years ago

    How extreme are the consequences for not bringing companions with you on their specific quests?

    I’ve been rolling with the same party all game and I’m really happy with it. I figured on my next playthrough, I’d just pick a different party composition and really get to know those characters on that playthrough, which would keep things fresh for me.

    I don’t mind missing out on random lore or conversation bits (that’s the kind of stuff I’m trying to save for future playthroughs,) but it would bum me out a little if one of my camp buddies got mad and just left in a “bad ending” sort of way (I’d be more ok with a bittersweet “friends going separate ways” type scene, though, if it makes sense for the story.) I want to help everyone, but it just feels so video-gamey to add someone to the party, level them up, give them decent equipment, complete a quest, and then kick them out again just to get a better cutscene or something when that’s not how I’ve been playing for the past 40 hours.

    Specifically, I am about to enter the part of the Act 1 map relevant to Lae’zel and she hasn’t been in my active party since I met Karlach.

    So what do you think? Should I stick to my preferred play style and see what happens? Or change it up because I’m a chronic “good guy” gamer who wants to help everyone and get the “goodest” ending?

      102 years ago

      Some companions will leave the party permanently if you do not bring them with you for their subplots. It’s not metagaming to put them in the party for things that are relevant to them, it’s the opposite, it’s bringing them along for something incredibly important to their personal journey.

      62 years ago

      Keeping it vague I left 2 different party members at camp for their subplots and I still have them both. There was some minor griping “wish I could have been there” type stuff but nothing beyond that.

    • Fafner
      22 years ago

      I got a big “Fuck You!” from Karlach for not bringing her along one time.