Check out their quarterly earnings reports. The’re revenue is decreasing by 5-10% QoQ for like the last few years. They’re going to be shuttering a few dozen stores likely this year.
Check out their quarterly earnings reports. The’re revenue is decreasing by 5-10% QoQ for like the last few years. They’re going to be shuttering a few dozen stores likely this year.
They literally can’t. They’ll barely staying afloat in our post-capitalist society.
Think of it this way. Kohl’s has around 90,000+ employees in numerous brick and mortar stores. Their sales have been plummeting quarter over quarter for the last few years as internet businesses that do the same thing that they do (clothes, make-up, and accessories) do it for a fraction of the employees. When a company of about 700 employees is able to do the same job online as brick-and-mortar store that’s 100x bigger than them, money becomes consolidated in a few, instead of spread out among many.
The other issue is that buyers are shopping more online than going out to brick and mortar shops as well. It’s essentially killing so many businesses.
I’m terrified of what the next 20 years are going to look like. There’s going to be hundreds of thousands of people out of a job, and the wealth gap is only going to increase further and further.
I’m constantly contacting my politicians, protesting at every protest, and trying to fight facism every legal way that I can. This sucks, but I can’t afford to avoid news because it’s a bummer.
Avoiding news and current events is why we have such ignorant people, people not voting, and why we’re dealing with this shit in the first place.
I can’t afford to do this. Just stick my head in the sand. It sounds wonderful, but for the sake of my friends and family, I need to know these things.
I just love how they keep claiming these YUGE cuts…only to find out that they misread it, or that the cuts got rid of something critical. For a Department that talks about “Efficiency”, their track record is fucking abysmal.
Your mortgage payment can often be cheaper than your rent payments. If your waiting until the rates drop, you’ll be in an insane amount of competition to get a property.
If you buy now, you can then refinance at a later date and get literally $100k’s off your mortgage. The downside is that your gambling on interest rates dropping.
So…I think it’s pretty self-evident that Israel knew about the plan by Hamas to kidnap Israeli citizens, and purposely let it happen to have an excuse to attack Palestine. Seeing that they’ve pretty much gotten away with genocide without too much fuss, they’re hedging their bets that they’ll be able to just steamroll Syria without any international resistance again.
I think they’ve majorly underestimated how much the world is going to condemn this. It was one thing to “protect it’s citizens”, it’s another thing entirely to outright invade another nation.
I’d be shocked if Europe doesn’t sanction Israel. They no longer see America as an ally. Hell, this attack is going to shut up a lot of those “Israel has a right to defend itself” chuds in America as well.
Is this why Meatheads like Joe Rogan and RFK Jr. so hardcore about the whole red meat thing? Does cognitive decline make you a real man?
Not OP. I get what your asking for, but this isn’t supposed to be a news community. The whole point of this community is schadenfreude on the concept that people have completely voted against their own interests. Essentially, it highlights people get blindsided when the party they voted for enacts policy or actions that harm them…especially when they were told this exact thing would happen.
There used to be absolutely tons of Brexit items up here as well (at least on the reddit side). We’re about to see 4 more years of it.
It would be like if you went to an unboxing community and got frustrated at the fact that no one then did anything with the items after they were unboxed - they absolutely will…it’s just not the point of that community.
It’s roughly 10% of our US steel supply (or around 40% of all of our steel imports)…meaning prices are going to start going up. This is going to hurt…
Yeah, in the interest of not having a bloody, civil war, I’d rather try to correct the economic paradigm that we have rather than instill a new one that will have its own set of unique and terrible problems (for example, see nomenklatura).
The chaos that will arise from the transition will be deadly, terrifying, and profound. It is not something I wish my children to have to go through. So, yeah…of course I’d rather work to fix the system that we have.
The phrase “are ethically wrong” is hilarious. According to whose code of ethics? How are their ethics more moral than someone else’s set of ethics?
There’s literally entire branches of philosophy dedicated to the concept of morals and the concepts of good and evil.
Edit: Also, to add on to this, something can be ethically right but morally wrong, or ethically wrong but morally right.
Ah! A thin blue line simp. Bootlickers do be licking boots, I guess.
Fuck yeah they did. This 100% should have been Time Magazine’s person of the year. They fucked up.
I mean. Heck, if you have a terminal illness I don’t see the downsides really.
Israel, if you can’t honor your promises and agreements, you can expect that no one will ever take you seriously as an ally again. You’ve demonstrated time and time again that you are incapable of being trusted.
“Settler” = Fucking thieves.
Israel needs to be stopped. They are looking for “excuses” to bomb and raid others. Makes you question whether or not they “let” HAMAS raid them just so that they had an excuse to absolutely genocide the Palestinian people.
Gummies are incredibly easy to make. I just made a batch 2 days ago that are sitting in my counter drying before I put a powdered sugar on the outside of them and stick them in the freezer. I use moulds so that I know EXACTLY how much I’m dosing. And the best part? I’m not destroying my lungs by any means.
Yeah. Teenage girls are difficult to talk to sometimes, but I’d still make every effort to talk to my sister if one of her friends was like this.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?