I mean, the Nordic Countries are kind of an example of how you can make an economy work that that isn’t purely “endless growth capitalism” and isn’t “everyone is poor and miserable Communism.”
There can be things in between.
I mean, the Nordic Countries are kind of an example of how you can make an economy work that that isn’t purely “endless growth capitalism” and isn’t “everyone is poor and miserable Communism.”
There can be things in between.
This is why Libertarianism and Ayn Rand followers are so dumb. Galt’s Gulch only works because its like, a hundred or so people. The entire concept breaks at any level of scale. Not every person can provide a genius world changing idea to cash in on if only that pesky government would stay out of the way.
Also, extremely agressive measures to stop the harm of others through the accumumation of mass wealth.
Basically, once you reach, I dunno, 5-10 million total “worth”, you get taxed at 100%.
Something like that. No one will ever need that much ever, and they can feel free to just reture and live out their life doing nothing if they manage to get there.
Its HDMI only.
The Wii someone else suggested may be a good way to go, I think they are fairly easy to get a hold of. I have not personally modified a Wii yet but its next ony todo list for console upgrades.
I modded my PS Mini for PS1 games. Its pretty simple.
I bought a 3rd party drive adaptor without a network port and had to load my games on my PC using a network enclosure.
It was still a pain. Its all soooooo slow and buggy.
Once Inwas bored and started playing Contra, without the Konami Code. On a NES.
Its one of those games that just loops when you finish it.
I finally stopped a few hours later after like the 4th or 5th loop.
Another fun one was finishing GTA3 100% on PS2, without saving or dying or getting arrested
He is an open mysiginist and racist and the large number of closeted bigots in the US love him for it.
Except at this point, they are not even closeted anymore.