Tiktok video: https://www.tiktok.com/@cattlemenfamilyfarms/video/7467698017559170350
Bsky post: https://bsky.app/profile/thetnholler.bsky.social/post/3lhrdl5nt222s
- https://www.ft.com/content/bed728f5-e832-4c1d-8c1f-791b574ccb4c?sharetype=gift
- https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/06/trump-california-water-policy-farmers-00202751
ft.com US farmers ‘prepare for the worst’ in new Trump trade war Guy Chazan 7–9 minutes
Aaron Lehman’s soyabean farm in the heartland of Iowa feels like an oasis of calm in the turbulence and tumult of President Donald Trump’s second term. Yet all that could change in a matter of weeks.
Lehman is bracing himself for the impact of a potential trade war hatched in Washington that he says could lay low the US corn belt and irreparably harm America’s standing with its neighbours.
“Farmers understand that trading relationships go up on a stairway, where you work hard to build them up, but go down on an elevator — very, very fast,” Lehman said in the living room of his farmhouse about 20 miles north of Iowa’s capital Des Moines.
“The long-term effect is that countries around the world will no longer see us as a reliable partner.”
It has been a turbulent week in US trade policy. Trump announced last weekend that he would impose 25 per cent tariffs on Mexico and Canada, saying they were not doing enough to stem the flow of migrants and the illicit drug fentanyl into the US. Then after last-minute talks with the two countries’ leaders, he agreed to give them both a 30-day reprieve.
The same was not the case for China. The 10 per cent levy he imposed on all Chinese imports still stands. And many in Iowa believe it is only a matter of time before the tariffs on America’s northern and southern neighbours are reinstated.
The opening salvo of a new trade war has sent a chill through the Midwest. Canada, Mexico and China together account for half of all American agricultural exports. Just last year, the US sold more than $30bn in farm products to Mexico, $29bn to Canada and $26bn to China, according to American Farm Bureau statistics.
Suddenly, farmers were facing the spectre of retaliatory tariffs and the prospect of a full-scale conflict that some fear could decimate America’s rural heartland. Two large grain silos and an old shed sit on a dry, grassy area with expansive flat fields in the background under a partly cloudy sky Farmers fear a full-scale trade war could decimate America’s rural heartland © Amir Prellberg/FT
Farmers in an area of the country that has become a bedrock of support for Trump now worry that the president’s tariffs, though suspended at the last minute, have permanently damaged the image of the US in the eyes of its most important trading partners.
“We’ve gone from being a seller of choice to a seller of last resort,” said Mark Mueller, a farmer from near Waterloo in north-east Iowa.
Few US states better embody the agricultural wealth of the Midwest than Iowa. It is a land of vast corn fields stretching as far as the eye can see, the landscape broken by the occasional grain silo, hay bale or low-slung barn. Hogs outnumber people more than seven to one.
It is also Trump country. Although Iowa voted for Democratic presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, it backed Trump in 2016, 2020 and 2024 in ever greater numbers.
More than a fifth of Iowa’s economy — or $53.1bn — is tied to agriculture, from crop and livestock production to food processing and manufacturing. It is the country’s largest producer of corn, hogs, eggs and ethanol and a top-three grower of soyabeans. That makes it particularly vulnerable to any downturn in agricultural exports.
“Free trade is the backbone of the economy in the Midwest,” said Ernie Goss, an economist at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. “What we have here is some of the most productive agriculture on the face of the Earth, and the domestic market is not even close to being big enough to absorb all the commodities produced here. You have to have international markets.” Aaron Lehman is seated near a window inside a room, wearing glasses and a checkered shirt ‘The long-term effect is that countries around the world will no longer see us as a reliable partner,’ said Aaron Lehman © Amir Prellberg/FT
The latest volley of tariff threats has evoked painful memories of the trade war unleashed by Trump in his first term. Among the most striking moves was Trump imposing duties on $300bn of Chinese goods. Beijing responded in 2018 by slapping 25 per cent tariffs on imports of US soyabeans, beef, pork, wheat, corn and sorghum.
The skirmish ended with the countries signing a trade deal in 2020 under which Beijing pledged to increase its purchases of US goods and services. But since then, it has been buying more grain from countries such as Argentina and Brazil, which overtook the US as China’s top supplier of corn in 2023.
In the last trade war, “a lot of our Asian buyers started developing relationships with soyabean producers in South America, and they’ve taken more and more of our market”, said Lehman, who is also president of the Iowa Farmers Union. “And we haven’t got it back.”
Not all of Iowa’s farmers oppose the way Trump has used the threat of tariffs to achieve a key policy objective — stemming illegal immigration.
“It was a strategy he needed to use to . . . get those countries to the negotiating table,” said Steve Kuiper, a fourth-generation Iowa farmer who grows corn and soyabeans in Marion County, south-east of Des Moines. After all, “a president has just four years to accomplish all he’s promised to do, so he’s got to get things going immediately to gain traction”.
Still, he is pessimistic that Mexico and Canada will be able to deliver on their pledges to Trump to strengthen border security in time. “It takes forever for these things to happen, and they’ve only got 30 days,” he said. A view through a window shows a barren soybean field The latest volley of tariff threats has evoked painful memories of the trade war unleashed by Donald Trump in his first term © Amir Prellberg/FT
The prospect of another round of trade tensions comes with American farmers already in a tight spot, hit by a fall in crop prices and higher costs. Net farm income, a broad measure of profits, was $181.9bn in 2022 but is projected to have been $140.7bn in 2024, according to data from the US Department of Agriculture — a 23 per cent slump.
“This [trade war] isn’t coming at a good time,” said Rick Juchems, a farmer from near Plainfield in north-east Iowa. “Commodity prices are low and the price of inputs like seed and fertiliser is going up.” Sources from the Iowa Corn Growers Association said many farmers had been producing at a $100 per acre loss.
Investments in new equipment are down, reflecting the wider downturn, said Juchems. “I’ve got friends who’ve lost their jobs selling agricultural machinery because of reduced demand. The lots are full of unsold tractors.”
Makers of farm equipment such as Deere, Kinze Manufacturing and Bridgestone/Firestone have shed hundreds of jobs in Iowa since last year.
Yet the prospects for farm finances could get even gloomier if Trump makes good on his threat of import levies. Fertiliser, for example, could become much more expensive, since more than 80 per cent of the US’s supply of potash — a key ingredient — comes from Canada.
But perhaps the most destructive effect of the tariff debate is the uncertainty it has triggered, just ahead of the crucial spring planting season.
“We’ll get by as long as we know what’s coming,” said Juchems. “But things are changing all the time. I’m sure the whole world is laughing at us.”
Lehman said farmers were trying to stay optimistic. “They tell me they’re hopeful cooler heads will prevail and this dispute will result in good trade agreements,” said Lehman. “But they’re also preparing for the worst.”
To be honest, I have never understood why the “average joe” ever identified with Trump, whose whole point is that he is a “successful” billionaire businessman. Why they believe he’s looking out for the little guy is beyond me.
Probably one of a few things.
But most likely, imo, is that the average Joe is just way less politically engaged or aware, then you and your peers. They don’t see all the bullshit, bigotry, obvious lies, the way R policies will fuck them over. They just know times are tough, prices are high and “right wing dude said he’d fix it”.
how about just good old fashioned racism?
That comes under “likes his toxic traits - bigotry”
Why they believe he was ever a successful businessman is beyond me…
The guy is a fucking rich kid moron.
He had what, 5 bankruptcy? Very successful
6 bankruptcies. He even managed to bankrupt a casino, which is basically a license to print money.
These people are the common clay of the land.
Rural people generally on average mistrust city people. City person shows up one day and gives them riches beyond their wildest imaginations, two hundred dollars and a luxury import chocolate. Other city people say “don’t trust these gifts, that guy is a known con artist”. Rural people didn’t grow up in an environment where scammers could just get away with it, cuz they’d get beat up by the other 80 people in the town that all knew them.
They don’t have the defenses mechanism of skepticism built in from day 1. They often do not understand the difference between the law as written vs as intended, because strict interpretation of the rules is not required for a small society of people that all generally know teachers other to function.
Where do they think Trump is from?
I think it has to do with the conservative tendency to see a natural hierarchy to humanity.
(begin sarcasm)
Obviously, rando leopard victim currently under discussion is a member of the upper echelon of that human hierarchy. They are confused by the same things as Trump, they hate the same people as him, and they see the same TrRuTh about the world as him.
Surely, those are enough “good people” attributes that any day now they will get swept along on the Trump train and will be out of the trailer and sitting on a golden shitter before you know it. He might even let them push the button that takes food stamps away from a brown skinned single mother!
Or, and hey let’s be fair, maybe some of them are smarter than that. They know that no Aryan Dividends are coming their way. But they have the integrity to tough it out while the other “good” people in charge spend all their energy hurting the subhuman garbage that deserves it most. That is obviously more important than education or human rights or whatever the limp-wristed liberal cucks are crying about today.
The money is just part of the deal when you’re one of the master race-- err, no, I mean when you’re one of the good people, the REAL Americans. It’s not like you have to be BORN already having the money or just win the lottery some other way, lol.
I think people are reacting mainly emotionally (i.e. “I feel that this person can be trusted”) rather than doing any meaningful level of political analysis and that the attraction of many for confident loudmouth politicians is in part a reaction to a couple of decades of being swindled by soft speaking slippery suits on both sides of the isle.
(Politically Aware people - which I imagine most of us here are - tend to expect from others similar levels of being well informed about Politics and thinking it to be important, when in reality most people do not think, care or are as well informed about politics anywhere as much as the Politically Aware)
These things come in cycles and we’re back in the age when people are over-saturated with the “sophisticated misdirection and half-truth deceiver” type of swindler whilst not being innured to the “loud and brash liar” type of swindler, because the last couple of decades have been dominated in politics by the former kind of manipulator whilst the last time the latter type was dominant was almost a century ago.
That’s my theory.
I also don’t see how anyone could possibly feel like they trust this guy. He has a long history as a real estate grifter tax evader, and a reputation for stiffing contractors. If you ever listen to him speak, it shouldn’t take more than a couple sentences to realize it’s all BS. There’s literally decades of news article on him being a con man Plus, doesn’t anyone remember his disaster of a first term?
I reckon some people are naive to that specific kind of scammer, others are stupid, yet others don’t trust the sources of that information that he’s a “real estate grifter tax evader, and a reputation for stiffing contractors” and some might even think “yeah, but he won’t do it to us” - so a mix of stupidity and wishful thinking.
As the saying goes (in reverse order) “You can’t deceive everybody all of the time but you can deceive some people all of the time or all people some of the time”.
I mean, even in real estate his grifter’s grift was still working so there were still people falling for it.
Even back then I wondered how his con line still worked. But I suppose once you believe he’s a billionaire, all bets are off. But in the political realm, you have his disaster of a first term, two failed runs for president, and 30 years of headlines about him being a con man. You have very memorable headlines about gold toilets and bankrupting a casino, twice. To balance that off the only thing casting him in a positive light is the TV show he funded for exactly that purpose
Just because you and I are starting from the assumption that those headlines are true, doesn’t mean Trump supporters start from the same assumptions.
Judging by political discussions I’ve had with some people (though not related to Trump), people commonly judge political leaders based on how they feel about them, i.e. the impression they have of them, and that feeds in to trusting or not what they say and what is said about them, all of which would explain why the sterotypical loudmoth populist who talks confidently has been historically very successful.
Judging by what I see even withing the small leftwing political party I’m a member of in my own country, even supposedly thinking people (i.e. well educated types) have a strong confirmation bias for the words of leaders they “feel” are trustworthy and against criticism of them, though the stereotype of leader that best works at making those specific people feel thus is different from the brash loudmouth sterotype of Trump.
Zooming back to Trump and the US, I would say that people who still support him have a strong feeling that he’s a good leader and that feds into a heavy bias to trust his words and distrust the criticism that appears of him as politically motivated attacks.
I would even go as far as saying that in a World were most authoritative common sources (i.e the Press, many of whom often overtly gloat of being “Opinion Makers”) take political sides and hence aren’t implicitly trustworthy, I expect this mechanism of anchoring one’s trust on an individual that feels right is much more commonly used than it would have been in a Media environment were the Press didn’t take sides and tried to shape opinion.
IMHO, Trump and others like him are a symptom of the Press having been increasingly used for Propaganda in the last couple of decades (though there are other effects at play) and hence why you see such types have more success in countries were the Press has longer and deeper taken political sides.
He is an open mysiginist and racist and the large number of closeted bigots in the US love him for it.
Except at this point, they are not even closeted anymore.
Because they don’t think of themselves as the little guy. No matter how poor they are, they’re always temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
A major reason for the vehement support the right receives is trying to control what people can say.
The left has itself to blame for its overreaching censorship in online spaces for why so many people feel more comfortable being part of the right.
You can’t just tell the “average joe” that a man is a woman and vice-versa, then ban him for saying otherwise and expect him to stay on your side.
Can you explain what you mean with “censorship in online spaces from the left”? As far as I know, most of our digital infrastructure is in the hand of MAGA right wing billionaires (X, Facebook, Instagram) and other people who are not really known as left (Reddit, TikTok, Google/YouTube). Most of our big social networks are not doing any left wing censorship. YouTube will demonitize you when you swear enough, because advertisers don’t like that. Musk will censor you when you disagree with his politics. Trump will fire you if you mention certain words. But that is right wing censorship. So where are those spaces where the left is censoring everything that are pushing people to vote for the right?
You think everyone is a transphobic bigot and that’s what swayed the vote?
There’s no helping people like you.
Yeah, I rest my case.
Keep doing your part to try and control what people think while expecting them to join your side.
I think you’re right but no one wants to hear it. Everyone’s extremely polarized and people seem to be happy to point the finger and say “you voted wrong” with smug arrogance. I bet a lot of Trump voters felt like they didn’t have a better choice.