American TV and movies after the '00s. Not representative enough of normal American life to be relatable (which is why I like '90s and '00s American TV so much) and not original enough to be interesting (which is why I’m into anime.)
American TV and movies after the '00s. Not representative enough of normal American life to be relatable (which is why I like '90s and '00s American TV so much) and not original enough to be interesting (which is why I’m into anime.)
If Stone Temple Pilots ever does that acoustic tour focusing on their softer songs they cancelled due to COVID (they’ve toured since but not that particular idea.) Perdida is one of my favorite “post-prime” albums from any band, and in general STP’s softer material is what makes them one of my favorites.
I’ll go to see My Chemical Romance if they put out a new album.
David Gilmour.
Weezer in a theater (I went to the Hella Mega Tour but Weezer I’ve heard is way better in a theater than an arena.)
I’m an apatheist. Just don’t try and force me to care about your religion or lack thereof.
Uncommon in my culture: Makoto (disclaimer: I think Makoto might still be more common in my culture than my real name)
Uncommon in general: Kitty
I’m not sure I’d call this “cheaping out” but unless you can’t even afford that or you have a specific reason you need a more expensive one, you should buy mid-range ($200 - $400) phones. The early '10s are over and mid-range is more than adequate for the average phone user. Plus quite a few mid-ranges still have expandable storage and/or headphone jacks.
All of the sixth gen ones. Dreamcast, PS2, OG Xbox, GameCube.
Also SNES and 3DS.
At least two communities I use are on Beehaw, but I wouldn’t be super affected.
Most Americans do not live nearly as well as it is portrayed on TV or in movies.
I think American TV in the last ten years has started to portray people as richer than it did in the 90s and 00s even. Is there anything like Everybody Hates Chris or My Name is Earl on? Shit, even Malcolm in the Middle they were clearly middle class but I feel like most American TV now is about upper middle class people or Hollywood. (I’ve heard of Abbot Elementary but haven’t watched it.)
Not true. So much of the US, including many cities is uninhabitable or at least extremely inconvenient without a car due to a lack of planning that supports a car free lifestyle.
Also, while the majority of Americans live in urban areas, the rural population is not so small as to be insignificant.
The long term solution is to improve infrastructure and zoning laws to reduce the car centrism of the majority of the USA, this is already being done in many cities, but for the time being most Americans need a car.
I think it’s a coin flip. You could point to ten reasons it’s “obvious” Trump will win and I could give you ten reasons it’s “obvious” he won’t.
This was maybe true 7 years ago or so. But I can’t name a single meme that has come out of 4chan since Soyjaks went out of fashion (and I honestly think Soyjaks directly killed 4chan’s relevance to wider internet culture.)
“Innovative” isn’t the term I’d use to describe that, but it makes enough sense.
Both Mario Odyssey and SMB Wonder are only innovative in a vacuum where Mario is the only platformer franchise. Which for a lot of people I imagine is the extent of their knowledge about platformers.
The things people call “innovative” about Mario Odyssey are just half Kirby and half Banjo-Kazooie. Yeah Odyssey’s biggest maps are way bigger than Banjo-Kazooie, but SMO runs on hardware that can emulate the N64, and it still has quite a few maps on the smaller side
SMB Wonder… I don’t actually know what people call “innovative” about SMB Wonder, but I’ve seen people call it “innovative.” It’s the best 2D Mario made in the 21st century and it has a pretty cool gimmick. What’s innovative about this?
Until it actually boils over or we get rid of first past the post (and you’ll need MASSIVE protests to do the latter.)
Fuck accelerationists. They’re either dumbfucks who think their Apocalypse Badass Man fantasies will come true (and contrary to popular belief this person absolutely exists on the left,) or yuppies who know they have an easy out in the form of either a work visa in somewhere like Canada or leeching from a developing country working remotely and not contributing to where they live at all (and so many of these yuppies are self-proclaimed collectivists.) The rest of us are getting out of here in a casket or a refugee boat if it boils over. So how about we take at least a modicum of effort to take care of our society. Voting is the bare minimum.
All rhythm games and fighting games.
I’ll vote for a non-Zionist candidate in the primaries with no real expectation of them winning. But I will vote blue no matter who for national and state politics, and Working Families Party for local if any run.
Is “Genocide Joe” an accurate nickname? Yeah. But fuck that, it’s not like Trump will be any less zionist and third parties/independents don’t work in FPTP. I’m mixed race, I’m bisexual, I’m worried about worst case scenarios with a second Trump presidency (which is basically “what Trump is saying out loud” at this point,) and I am willing to vote in enlightened self-interest.
Metaverse. People literally only ever cared because Mark Zuckerberg was talking about it.
It’s always the fuckin’ IQ tests with our friends in the “more civilized” world.
Those of us who don’t live in an “out of sight out of mind” fairytale and aren’t ignorant of the world enough to not realize the Internet has become an essential utility now, know that this would harm many of the groups negatively affected by hate speech probably more than hate speech does; many oppressed minority groups do not have access to quality education. Some of us are from countries or of ethnicities that have history with minimum IQ requirements for, say, voting. To say nothing of how IQ tests contain Western cultural biases and might not even actually be good at measuring intelligence.
This sounds like the soundtrack to an action-cyberpunk reinterpretation of Ed Edd n Eddy that still maintains the slapstick element
Just Linux usually.
GNU/Linux if I need to differentiate most Linux distros from non-GNU OSes using the Linux kernel such as Android, Chrome OS, and Alpine.