Back in the 70’s my dad worked for controll data - I think when Cray still worked for them. One day uniforned military came to the lab he was in with a failed haredrived handcuffed to them (i’m guessing this would have been a 14 inch drive?). They watched while the lab opened the drive to find physically warped platters, then used rags to wipe the oxide off, took the rags tothe parking lot and burned them.
not sure how practical that is for you but it was once the standard to be sure.
most of the work is getting media. I spend many hours ripping cds, getting track titles right (popular music this is automatic but I have a lot of obscure cds where this can’t be done). there are ways to download music, but again you will spend time doing that.
movies are even worse in part because there often isn’t a legal way to do things and so even if you have the rare legal movie things are tricky.