What do people have against flatpaks? I like them.
Software developer by day, insomniac by night.
What do people have against flatpaks? I like them.
I feel like I see a lot of fresh faces on Lemmy. It’s nice!
Yeah. I search for things all the time. Thousands of searches each month. I thought I’d miss it a lot, but I’ve not used Google for two years or so and it’s not really a problem.
Google is mostly adverts. Wouldn’t take much to be better than that.
Haha, ung vetefan, över 30. Har hört begreppet vilse i pannkakan förut, men inte sett det. Minns Rädda Joppe, gav mig mardrömmar. Hahaha.
Aye, I did. I was born in the 90s though so that might be why. I remember Anki & Pytte quite well. I really enjoyed that as a kid.
We did? None of these ring a bell for me.
Marked as deprecated and will be removed outright not to be replaced.
Not exactly in my language, but Lipton used to have an advert for their ice tea “Limone” in Japan. A lady sing a jingle, and in the middle of it she’d exclaim 「おいちい」, meaning “delicious.” However, 「ちい」could also be interpreted as the English word tea. Thus an appropriate translation of the pun would be “tealicious.”
Oh my gods, the mess that is Teams. When I first started working at my current company I was kind of excited because all of the software just works together. It felt novel, and I was enchanted by it. That quickly died when I realised that it makes finding anything a nightmare. There’s a billion different tabs and solutions for every single individual thing, and even multiple things within the same project. I think the main project I work on has like fifteen different test documents, and good luck trying to find the documentation for pushing stuff live! The only real way to find things is to ask someone who knows. There’s half a billion different search bars and finding the right one is just way too time consuming.
Yeah, forums please. I hate the idea of troubleshooting information being locked behind some stupid software we can’t easily index and search. Forums can be put on archive.org, you can literally print a page, or save it as a PDF for reviewing later. You can make use of bookmark software like Linkwarden to archive things.
Discord? Not so much. You can use third party software to scrape it and save information, but no search engine can index it. Community building is great, but I loathe having to trawl through tonnes of blithering blathering conversation BS just to figure out where to find firmware for a particular chip I have is.
Makes me want to projectile vomit all over the place, throw my computer out the window, and move to convent.
Denmark helped them spy on the EU a couple years back and now they’re threatening with invading Greenland.
Not a good ally is an understatement.
Depending on what you aim to do, Matrix works well enough. Reminds me a lot of Discord back in 2017 or so.
It’s not private given that they require your phone number to sign up.
I dunno. Kids making mods is one thing, a corporation exploiting that for profit is something different.
Sure, Gmod and what have you definitely had sales because of mods, meaning an indirect profit, so one could question that too. When it comes to Roblox they’re directly profiting off of the labour of children in a very predatory manner.
Neither scenario is fantastic I suppose, but only the latter is actively encouraging and building systems to exploit people.
Naomi Novik wrote a lovely book inspired by it called “Spinning Silver.”
Oooh right, that makes sense. My job has no issues with this actually. If you end up moving somewhere (outside of the Nordics, presumably) they need to be notified for tax and insurance reasons, but if you travel abroad and bring your work with you they genuinely don’t care so long as you can get your job done. Heck it even happens quite often.
Depending on where you’re from you’ll face different challenges. If you’re an EU/Schengen citizen you can pretty much just mosy on over here. If you have a full-time job and/or enough money, as well as some form of health insurance you’ll be able to get a personnummer quite easily. If you’re outside of the EU things get trickier, but having a job lined up here will make things easier.
There’s also the spousal path, though given our current nazi-xenophobic government I’m expecting a lot of those avenues to get tougher.
Quiet quitting was doing what you were hired to do, and not taking on stuff beyond your role. I’m guessing that quiet vacationing means you take the breaks that are in your contract, or that you sleep in your free time.
Ah, I see. I’ve not tried Snaps, been avoiding Ubuntu because of Canonical’s weirdly corporate angle. Once they baked in Amazon into Ubuntu I was out.
I like the bundling of deps. Sure it’s inefficient, but it runs, and storage comes cheap nowadays anyway.