Thanks for sharing our pain. I don’t understand how people pretend that Europe isn’t going thru the same stuff like we are in the US.
Inflation, migration debates, cost of living crises, rise of authoritarianism, income inequality, all of this is and has been global. Some places affected more than others depending on what you look at.
Get a pair of adjustable dumbbells (look into Powerblocks) and a foldable bench off Amazon. You’ll be set for months.
X is a shit company that doesn’t need to exist anymore but I’m equally tired of companies virtue signaling behind causes. Like, fuck off, I don’t need you to tell me that you’re “invested” in “human rights” or “causes” when you treat your workers like shit and fail to provide your retail workers a minimum wage for example.
X and these other companies virtue signaling behind causes for profit/marketing goodwill can all go to hell.
Can relate. I hate cardio but love bench presses.
This gut wrenching. Fuck those in power responsible for this.
No apologies needed! :-) This has indeed been an interesting debate and really I commend you for trying to reason with me. Keep doing that!
Al Jazeera definitely has an Anti-Israel slant, but so far their reports have been corroborated by places such as the Intercept and Guardian (to an extent) and the BBC, again to an extent where the sites have bothered to cover the other side. I also keep checking these other sources just so I’m forming my own views instead of drinking from the firehose of a news outlet.
So far, anybody that’s investigated the hospital attack has been a party sanctioned by the Israeli Gov or the US. We’ve yet to see an independent UN backed source go in there and figure out what happened. Israel has also blocked off media and created a complete siege and are now banning Al Jazeera altogether after killing their reporter last year and another Reuters reporter this time. They are also the primary source of info unless a news agency sends their reporters in at peril to the region. They’ve taken more steps to hide things and have precedent in launching attacks such as these, not just in this conflict, which again have been back by first hand people from the region and then corroborated by various news agencies in the past.
Historically, they’ve got a lot more blood on their hands. I also hold them to a higher standard similar to the US and Europe, because they have the bigger stick and with power comes responsibility. This is why I might appear harsh, but I wish nothing but peace for the people of Israel and hope the people that have lost their loved ones find some solace.
Hamas is not the answer for Palestine and peace is the only way forward which begins with a cease fire in my view. It’s hard to criticize their choices in political leadership when they’ve been oppressed for the past 75yrs. That doesn’t mean complicit parties shouldn’t be held accountable and tried.
Anyway, point taken about sending in the ballot. I’m probably going to be writing to my state senator along with Biden’s office and doing my part that way, so my lack of engagement isn’t an actual lack of engagement but a protest. Best of luck to you and have a good one.
I think we’re talking past each other. Elected representatives, including Biden, are servants of the people. Their job is to represent the will of the people. Democrats should have been held accountable for Trump, as much as Trump is being held accountable, rightfully so, for all of his fuck-ups.
Justice should be served equally, regardless of party or affiliation. We cannot let our elected representatives get away with mea culpas of such massive proportions every single time.
I did vote for Biden in 2020 and would have voted again for him in 2024, had he not pulled this bullshit and played with human life in a bid to save his popularity at home and/or upset the status quo.
Not voting for either party is as powerful a message as a vote since each vote is counted and voter turnout is a very telling sign. It demonstrates that the party needs to do better to understand the needs of the people putting them in power. We don’t HAVE to choose between two shit options, we can instead send a message that the party needs to do better and listen to it’s base and form policies in line with them to preserve their precious seats otherwise they risk losing their position and have to fight for it all over again. If they don’t like it, great, some other candidate from the party will be sure to unseat them.
I get your point about change from the inside, but here’s what happened with people that tried it this time as American was bending over backwards for Israel:
There’s only 13 officials drafting up a bill that calls for a ceasefire. 13. There isn’t going to be a Gaza left in a month’s time and we would have ethnically cleansed it all by them.
The reason why it’s close to home is because I have Palestinian friends that are looking at pictures of their ancestral homes completely demolished in Gaza. Go to Al Jazeera and scroll their feed for a bit to see pictures of dead children and tell me that I still need to vote and partake in the circus that is our political system right now.
Edit: To add, elected officials getting away with bullshit,“because you have to choose between two shit choices” is the exact kind of complacent/negligent bs I’m not ok with. It also enables an elected official to do whatever they want by holding us hostage to a shitty choice and that is not ok. Look at how democrats lined up when Trump was in power because they fucked up and they knew it. Let them feel like they fucked up now if the country and worldwide protests calling for ceasefire aren’t enough.
Point me to an article where America has officially called for a cease fire. There’s protests across the country calling for but we’re passing multi-billion “aid” packages to Israel, which already has enough arms to fight this “war” ten times over.
Democrats snubbed Bernie in 2016 in favor of Hillary and fucked its voter base which cost them and us their supporters the elections and unleashed 4 years of hell on this country.
Again, I get your point, and I’m stating that there’s limits to bullshit especially when it’s coming out of our paychecks.
And here’s the counter and complicity of America. The fucking nerve of us to “open up humanitarian corridors”:
Sometimes, but not when a government is fucking complicit in a genocide. No amount of moral tom foolery makes this ok.
I’d rather not vote than vote for the least evil. They candidates can jump off a bridge for all I care especially when our tax money are paying for their salaries.
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That I agree with. 👍
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Biden’s definitely lost my vote with this policy. I genuinely think that he was and is doing pretty well for a first term president after the cluster fuck that was Trump and felt like America was finally coming back to form both domestically and internationally, but his stance has really disillusioned me as a voter and a supporter.
That was the point. When it impacts the West directly, the we in the West decide to make things about right and wrong and morals and cook up excuses to throw more and more money because it serves our interests. When it’s Palestine… we decide to throw all of that out of the window and decide fund Israel (the aggressor) instead.
Yes, one is recent, impacts the West directly and a bunch of white people and the other is Palestine.
My take is that it appears to be driven by mentality rather than whether somebody is an immigrant or not. People, immigrant or not who like putting in the work end up succeeding while those that complain or act entitled do not. It’s plain as day, nobody is going to give you a hand out so you have to work for it. Welcome to capitalism. It sucks, but get with it or you lose.
I’ve got successful immigrant and non immigrant friends and those that end up succeeding also end up being like minded. That said, I do think that, yes, immigrants more commonly have the “work hard or fail” mindset given their prior socioeconomic status typically ends up being unfavorable which serves as a catalyst for them.
I agree with entitlement becoming more and more common these days but that can also be attributed to people being generally more outspoken and having platforms to voice their concerns.
And I gave you the benefit of the doubt and actually removed my insult calling you an idiot for making the dim witted comment you made.
You see the difference a decent education makes? Good job on assuming my political leanings, which btw are not conservative, so you’re wrong there as well.
Calling you a fucking moron is probably an insult to the term “fucking moron”, but let’s leave it at that so that your room temp iq can comprehend at least this much.
3 words…
Master of Puppets