Yeah, sorry about the run-on sentence title, but I hope you get what I’m saying
Yes. I have thought about getting an account on and creating a bunch of nsfw communities that exist on reddit, but not here yet. But I don’t particularly want to be the one responsible for modding the communities. lol
Average Lemmy user
As a former reddit mod who’s made some communities here, so far they are 0% of the work of the reddit ones (not that I was working hard on the reddit communities, I set up automod and let it run). But so far I haven’t had to do any mod work here because there’s basically no spam and no bots. I’m sure that will change, but I can also just recruit more mods as the communities grow.
how recently were you a mod on reddit? I’ve been trying to raise discussions on various communities that I follow about a possible migration and I’m receiving a lot of indifference from the userbase. However, I feel like the mod userbase feels differently given the widespread blackout (many of these communities joined the blackout but it seems like a lot of their users are unaware or unconcerned with the changes.)
my question is do you think the mods are more sympathetic to migrating platforms?
I think it’s a mix, some places did a poll and it was like 30% of prople who use 3rd party apps, so it’s a minority that’ll be impacted, and disproportionatly mods because native modding tools suck.
I miss my cat subs. The bigger ones like OneOrangeBraincell, StandardIssueCats, and VoidCats.
And some of the specific ones like Sploot, Toolps (reverse of sploot for the unintiated), KittyCankles, ScrungyCat,
NamFlashbacks. Mainly because my I took new pictures of my cats and wanted to post them there.
illegallysmolcats. There are not near enough cat pic subs. I NEED MORE CATS.
My baby Roxie when she was still a nugget:
She’s 2 now and still pretty smol at 7 pounds:
when my Zelda was just a kitten
Sharing mine when they were still illegally smols
There’s an illegallysmolcats. I subbed to it today. I’m on my phone so I can’t easily post the link but if you search for the name, it should come up.
Might have been created since the last time i searched. Thank you.
Someone needs to keep those criminals in check!
OneOrangeBraincell was sooo good. Oh those sweet dopey boys
There’s one here. Also standard issue cats.
I made this one! And then I found this one!
The “aww” site can be found/subbed by searching on your account’s server for: !
**Example: **I’m on so if I go to: and enter the “!” string above it finds me a link that once clicked presents me with a “Subscribe” button.
I’m subscribed to those, but as per below, I NEED MORE CATS! Lol.
Edit: I tried to post in c/aww but I only have account :(
Ok I figured it out. So from my community blahaj, I subscribed to aww. Then in blahaj I create a new post and search for the aww community. And it worked. Give it a try!
Exactly! You don’t need an account on the specific instance, it all federates! You can subscribe to communities on any instance that isn’t blocked :D
Punch in ! in the search bar on, and it will take you there. You can post there no problem.
Those are here!
Yey! Just subbed! Thank you!! you are a star!!
My pleasure!
Yes. 1000% for some of the NSFW subs I used to enjoy
You got my first downvote.
Oh, how I’ve missed seeing the number of downvotes.
That was one of the first changes I disliked that reddit forced down our throats. Seeing the actual totals (without the nonsense “vote fuzzing”) is much more engaging.
Exactly. Ok sure, so somebody said something either not popular or a bit stupid, but “filtering” them out is equally stupid, if not more. You promote echo chambers that way.
It’s been a while ain’t it. That was the first time i knew Reddit didn’t care about our opinions.
Man you really forget what you miss after awhile, it’s so good to see it back
How dare somebody use adult content.
On this Christian site! The nerve! I need to Investigate it for research purposes
It’s times like this I appreciate that Reddit automatically hid low scoring comments
That’s also part of what made reddit a huge echo chamber. Enough downvotes and a post disappears from view. Sure it hides toxic posts, but it also hides dissenting opinions.
Honesty! EW!
I miss r/KitchenConfidential. It was a subreddit for people who work in the food industry. I feel like I’ve lost my support group.
That was me. I don’t really feel like modding. I was offered a few mod spots on reddit over the past 11 years, took up one or two, didn’t really enjoy it.
But if everyone feels that way, then lemmy can never reach critical mass. SO i bit the bullet, created a community and hopefully someone will be interested in modding if it ever grows big.
If anyone’s interested, I created maliciouscompliance (one of my favorite subs to lurk in). Mostly reposts for now, but OC should trickle in slowly.
Try joining from one of the links below:
Or type the following in the search bar at the top: !
Hey thanks for taking one for the team. I always love maliciouscompliance, so I’m glad we have it here now. Appreciate you!
I really appreciate the work and contribution of everyone here, to make this a great place. :)
If you need help modding it I’d definitely be willing to help out. It’s one of my favorite communities on Reddit
Thank you! (One of my favorites so glad it’s now here.)
You’re welcome!
I started (like 2 hours ago) a Poetry community in my instance. I modded a few microscopic subreddits that never got any traffic, so I’m used to imposter syndrome as a moderator 😥
Just do it anyway and randomly assign people who post there to be mods.
But that’ll just scare everyone away! :S
But is this not an evil move to do that? force responsibility on others?
Yes. I am mostly joking, but I don’t find it to be “that” serious of a crime.
I have neither the time, nor confidence to mod; but I have wondered if we should make something like a “lemmy wishlist” for communities we’d like to see ported. Seems like a good way for the lemmy community to vote on and discuss communities they’d like to see, and connect to would-be mods
I decided to make this over at
How do I subscribe to it? I try to type it like this
But it throws me 404. Meanwhile,
works fine.
Try putting the full provided link (as posted, no editing, so: in search bar of your instance. This should prompt this community to start getting federated on your instance and then it should be accessible at
Ok, now I understand. I was previously pasting it into the community dropdown meanu in the lemmy search page, but not in the search bar.
As in the search bar at the top of your browser window?
I meant search page I guess. There’s a magnifying glass Icon at the top of the page. You should see something like this on the Image here. And then you can subscribe to the community from your instance
Aaaah ok gotcha. Cheers, bud.
Most importantly - has it worked for you? If so, I’m glad I could help. If not, I’m sorry, but I’m still pretty new to this and don’t know much yet
It worked, thanks a lot. I’ll make sure to teach this to 2 or more people at least if I encounter someone struggling with similar problem. That’s how we’ll learn this new system.
I believe this can happen if your instance (in this case doesn’t yet know about the new community. But if you enter the full url ( into your instance’s search, it should look for it and find it. Maybe you have to wait for a couple seconds but for me this usually works.
You have a Lemmy Feature Wishlist here: !
I miss idiotsincars
Awesome! Subbed
I reluctantly created a bunch because I want to have those conversations. I figure with time we can always call for volunteers and appointment help as needed. I’m hopeful that moderating a board on Lemmy will require somewhat less effort than Reddit due to the friendlier atmosphere and lower volume.
Thanks for doing that! Maybe I’ll do the same. I am such a planner, that I worry about creating monsters I can’t control. 🥸
I’ve made- Artist Lounge, Printmaking, Collage
Not because I want to mod (never done it, and I’m autistic so it could end up becoming a nightmare) I just want to see some of my favourite communities on here
Any ex reddit mods of these subs want to re-adopt them, they’re welcome to take them off my hands
edit- needed some commas
There was /r/soccerstreams but it was banned, unfortunately. Now it would be a good opportunity to bring it back again.
I made a couple communities that I use to love on Reddit. I def don’t want the control but I’m hoping the fact that the communities exist may attract more people and someone may come along who is better suited to run the show
Thats how I am with my skyrim mods community, I even have mod authors of very large and respected mods hanging out over there, its a bit overwhelming