Any advice you’ve ever heard or given. I linked a great video that I think would be my answer, combined with the “stop caring what other people think about you” and “comparison is the thief of joy” comments below. Just do stuff that you wanna do, don’t compare and don’t care what others say. It’s awesome advice.

    3 months ago

    Never loan anyone anything unless you’re willing to give it to them, because that could well turn out to be exactly what you’re doing.

    ETA another one that just came to me, that I’ve always liked because it’s a witty turn of phrase in addition to being useful:

    If you’re doing something that leads you to wonder if you should have some safety gear (gloves, particle mask, hearing protection, etc.), then the answer is “Yes.”

    253 months ago

    Take care of your body. Teeth, bones, joints, muscles, and skin can all be repaired but it’s never as good as a factory original.

    Also, those repairs cost time and money. My father in law is almost 20 years younger than my dad and can’t do as much in a day as my dad. He’s shortened his quality life because he thought shrugging off problems was what you should do.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    203 months ago

    Find one small thing you can cut out and save that money every week in a savings account.

    When the market crashes like it did in 2008 and 2020, take every one of those dollars and put it in stocks, because during a crash, you can often get high value stocks at a huge discount that wouldn’t exist in normal market conditions.

    Wait 2-3 years for the market recovery and sell that stock at a profit.

    Also, don’t wait until your 30’s to get a set of silk sheets.

    If you’re happy alone, be alone. You don’t have to get married. You don’t have to get kids. Those things suck to have if you do not want them in the first place.

      33 months ago

      Time in the market vs timing the market, discount might buy you a couple years worth of time but if you ever investing as you go you’d most likely have made more even with the crash.

      Also, bamboo sheets for me!

      • FlashMobOfOne
        3 months ago

        Time in the market vs timing the market

        Absolutely a good way to go as well, especially if you drop that cash in fee-free index funds (Vanguard’s a good way to go) or an ETF like VTI. This is absolutely the best way to go if you’re an undisciplined investor, lack patience, or just want to set it, forget it, and watch your growth over time.

        I just think it’s also useful to have cash on the side so you can take advantage of crashes. You only get a handful of them in a lifetime and they are 100% the best opportunity to buy. I paid off my student loans with profits I made grabbing oil stocks in March 2020 for pennies on the dollar.

    193 months ago

    Don’t play rigged games.

    Do what you think is right, but actually take some time to think about if it’s right or just feels right.

    Being right and being wrong feel the exact same until challenged by facts, challenge your own beliefs, use the Socratic method if you need a starting point.

      • dzervas
        33 months ago

        huh, good observation - my instant thought was casinos and “climbing the corporate ladders”

        (I fully disagree with not voting but your point still stands)

  • QuentinCallaghan
    183 months ago

    “Don’t compare yourself to others.” Everyone develops at their own pace. This also helps in building a good self-esteem.

  • Noxy
    163 months ago

    “Treat others as you would have them treat you” is garbage, utter fucking trash

    instead of the shitass golden rule, I prefer the platinum rule: “Treat others how they want to be treated”

    • prole
      33 months ago

      That’s a good point, masochists have a pretty big loophole to Golden Rule, don’t they?

  • toomanypancakes
    163 months ago

    Sage advice I got from my dad: being kind to others greases the wheels of diplomacy, and it doesn’t make them a bit more bulletproof.

    133 months ago

    IDK about advice per say but it kinda fits. My favorite quote from rocky.

    “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."

    133 months ago

    Credit cards should be used exclusively for discounts and to build your credit. Only use them if you have the resources to pay the balance in full every month so you’ll never pay interest.

    3 months ago

    Try to care a little less (say 1%) each day about what others think of you. I don’t mean be uncivil or degenerate per se but rather try to say yes to yourself more and less to others until you feel there’s a better balance. People care way to much about what others think about them at massive cost to themselves and its not healthy or actually even desireable.

    The person who is most authentic and self-nourished will always win, sort of an extension to the notion that the person who cares the least has the most power. Relationships come and go but you gotta learn to live with and as you and to chase only what you know in your heart to be correct for you

    • metaStatic
      113 months ago

      “you will stop caring what others think about you when you realise how little they do”

        • metaStatic
          73 months ago

          People in general pay you very little mind, even people who care about you. it’s called the spotlight effect.

            23 months ago

            I only mean that most of the time, the way people make themselves subservient to preserve relationships that aren’t organic or sustainable is moot anyway cuz they’ll can your ass the minute there’s any problem or inconvenience or reciprocity expected. Better to be proactive and get ahead of it by making better choices for yourself and turning down worse options now when you have discretion and someone isn’t forcing your move

  • Truffle
    123 months ago

    I shared this before here, but it completely changed the way I live my life:

    Perfect is the enemy of good enough.

    So please, give yourself grace and understanding especially if you are a perfectionist. Go at your own pace.

      43 months ago

      We had a phrase in graduate school for group projects… “good enough, move on”. Or GEMO. When we were getting too wrapped up in the details someone would say “should we just GEMO?” And there’d invariably be a sigh of relief as everyone agreed yes, it’s good enough, let’s move on.