This is great, one of the reasons I’ve not had my PS1&2 setup in my “gaming area” is because of the lack of reach on the official controllers from my unit (also loads of wires). So this definitely interests me!
Don’t know how many people would want this, but it’s cool as hell they’re doing this.
I do! Bought one. Been on a PS2 mod kick this past week, so this came at the perfect time.
Wait, is that brand any good for controllers? I got one as part of my handheld Ayaneo 2 deal and haven’t even unpacked it. This is the one I have:
Fantastic brand with fantastic controllers. Unpack that item right away!
Great to know! Thanks :)
For such a goofy name, this company makes some really cool stuff.
Would like to know if adds input lag.
It will absolutely add some latency compared to the original controller but whether it’s perceptible to you or any other human being is another matter entirely. I find 8bitdo sometimes have terrible lag in some of their devices, but it could be down to shoddy firmware and sometimes get patched later, like with the SN30 Pro for Android which was unusable before firmware patches.
I’m personally just semi-sensitive to lag, but for serious gaming I will always go wired for the psychological edge. I will get this regardless because wireless controllers are amazing for casual gaming.
I’m actually more interested in how much lag the USB-C passthrough introduces. If that can be down in the sub-3ms range, that would be amazing.
If a Bluetooth controller can perform in any setting, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be feasible to make one perform well in this application. It will react to inputs and close or open a circuit or send an analog signal.
Kinda pointless for ps2, unless used for a player 2 etc., Because of the lack of pressure sensitive buttons.
Barely any game uses them. And I think it’s only needed in MGS. So, far from pointless imo.
I remember finding out Ridge Racer V was using them when it was released, and as cool as it was, it just seemed rather pointless. Sensitivity margin was so thin you had to be quite delicate with it.
and almost all racing games or games with vehicles that use th face buttons for acceleration, think GTA, NFS, Gran Turismo
@MrScottyTay @Kaan
Though I remember one of the Gran Turismo games had an option to use the right analog stick up and down as an accelerator and break. It was tricky to master, but effective.Yeah, I think most racers do that, very hard to get used to in my opinion, but definitely an option
It definitely was hard to get used to. But with Gran Turismo, it rewards precision. I was also a fan of games like Driver, that were more forgiving.
The Ace Combat games used them for throttle, rudder and radar zoom level.
Silent Hill 2 uses it unfortunately.
GTA3 as well
Though its rather pointless IMO
deleted by creator
Silent Hill 2 has heavy and light attacks that are tied to the analog face buttons. You might be able to use a hold with digital mode but it would be slower
It makes me sad that this wasn’t carried forward. I feel like I’m the only person who actually enjoyed the pressure sensitivity.
Yeah. Brook makes a good adapter that supports modern controllers, as well as the PS3, so you can still get those pressure sensitive buttons. I use mine all the time, PS2 is pretty much the only console I play anymore.
yeah I use the brook adapter with PS3 controller which uses pressure sensitive buttons
Does the brook allow pressure sensitive? I never actually got along to testing it properly when I used one cause I wasn’t really looking for it at the time. I do have the one previous to the current model though
yes. make sure firmware up to date
PS2 had pressure sensitive buttons? No shit, I had no idea.