You know how you make me watch your show? Put Walton Goggins in it!
You know how you make me watch your show? Put Walton Goggins in it!
It’s been a while since I watched his videos, looks like my day off is planed out.
Buy the cheap house away from people, only use short sentences when talking to people when you have to venture into town, make and sell hand crafted wood statues of what you see out your window, build an underground bunker full of state of the art spy technology to monitor the town you live in, create a secret Cabal of other people monitoring their towns, slowly take over your country by blackmailing everyone you can, make it a federal crime to even look at your property, retire and enjoy the privacy.
With permission this time tho, right?
I’m nearly there, I’m about -8 months away!
I thought Lemmy didn’t have targeted advertising!
You don’t have to snort them all, there’s other places to absorb energy drinks.