In a Tuesday episode of the This Past Weekend podcast, Von dismissed any national security concerns being floated about the China-owned TikTok platform, arguing the prevalence of content related to Israel’s bombing of Gaza — where thousands of civilians have been killed — is the real reason the government is uncomfortable.
“I believe that they don’t want people sharing the truth about the genocide in Palestine and that’s why they’re doing it. I believe that that’s what it is and TikTok is one of those places where people can still do that. And they want to own it. They want to own it, dude,” the podcaster and comedian said.
They have been trying to ban tiktok for what like 5 years, clearly it’s about Gaza…
Yes, Israel and Gaza, a world event only relevant in the last year or so
The cover up is real. Look at the fore thought. /s
Well, it was actually Trump that tried to ban it and Democrats were against it. I wonder why Democrats took up the mantle in the past year hmmmmm
It was not a bipartisan topic until Israel entered the picture.
That could possibly be true IF it were true that TikTok is the only place you can talk about that, but it’s not. Have a look around.
Don’t bother. Logic has no quarter here. If the ban predates the conflict we’ll just do some gymnastics to prove it was in fact still about Gaza
Oh this is a sassy one. Just for context, when did the Israel/Gaza conflict begin? I’m so OOTL.
I mean… you can talk about it here and tens of people might see it.
TikTok is the largest platform with the greatest reach where the genocide in Gaza can be discussed without being algorithmically suppressed.
Facebook actively shadou bans you when you discuss Gaza. Tiktok is afaik the only platform where you can agitate about Gaza with signifidant reach.
Twitter also has automated pro-Israel community notes if you post certain pictures from October 7th.
It’s not ‘talk’ about it, it’s firsthand video of how evil the IDF is. It’s first hand accounts from Palestinians. It’s up to the minute updates, without filter or moderation.
Podcast Bro, best not to pay attention or attention to anyone who listens to them.
People who hate podcasts are so weird to me. Especially stuff like Theo Von. Dude just makes jokes.
It’s extremely valuable that a right-adjacent podcast host is directly saying that Israel is committing a genocide. The more normies/politically unengaged are told this, the better
Especially because the US gov has indirectly admitted to being concerned about pro palestine “propaganda” on tiktok. So its not even a conspiracy theory
Joe Rogan
Comedian who runs a podcast. This is an important event imo because he rubs shoulders with right wing dumbasses and has them in his audience as well. The more they hear opposing viewpoints the better.
Yes. Him having Bernie on was a great moment as well.
I swear it would be worth the effort to love bomb right wing media types when they do get stuff right, so many seem to be narcissistic
It’s pretty obvious especially when IG is nonstop zio hasbro.
Mitt Romney confirmed this explicitly. Anyone saying the tiktok ban isn’t about covering up Israel’s genocide in Gaza is denying objective fact.
Give us a source then mr. objective fact man
First search result for
us gov tiktok palestine israel mitt romney
Your one google search you can provide vs. everyone who reads your comment having to do the same thing. Thanks for the source but the ease of retrieval it is irrelevant
God people like you are infuriating.
“gIvE uS a SoUrCe!!!11!1”
Gives source
“ThAtS nOt GoOd EnOuGh!!!11!11 i CaNt Be BoThErEd tO lOoK tHiNgS uP oN mY oWn111!!!”
Then shut up and remove yourself from the discussion.
The source was good enough. I’m simply saying if you’re going to make an objective claim and not provide a source you are asking everyone else to do the same google search. Wasting N peoples time googling a source vs. the one person making the claim.
You know I’m right. I know it’s hard to read comments and actually understand the nuance in how discussions work but you can do it. I believe in you.
That’s not true at all
The vast majority of people won’t check at all. They’ll either agree or disagree based on their own preexisting knowledge/biases.
You added “mr objective fact man” which implies you believed his claims to be false.
Nah not at all. But I get how that could have come across that way.
Bruh, you can share the truth on pretty much any way imaginable. Why would you ban one platform, and out of all of them TikTok, to “control the narrative”? Everyone knows what’s going on, there have already been plenty protests because of it, it’s way too late to control anything and maybe most importantly: TikTok offered the US more control and they declined. They straight up proposed to do whatever the hell the government wants if they can stay and it was dismissed.
Speaking as someone with no social media (big grain of salt), whenever I’ve heard reporting on people seeing the genocide on their phones it was always referencing tiktok. They never said “people watched children be exploded on twitter or Insta”. That could be due to user preference or whatever, but as an outsider, I have the ambient notion that more of this kind of content was coming from tiktok.
More concretely, in a lot of the stuff that came out of the twitter files, it’s clear that the US government does have, what I would classify as, inappropriate contact with american social media companies that can controle narratives. Without saying something with absolute certainty, the statement he’s making sounds pretty reasonable.
Also nothing is just one thing, there’s probably a ton going on.
TikTok was already forced to host their data in the US because of “security concerns” but the level of censorship is not the same. The US wants to fully control what people are able to see to brainwash them.
American companies such as Twitter and Meta have IDF soldiers running their censorship division and systematically surpress Palestinian channels. This shadow censorship gives Americans the illusion they are experiencing free speech.
Wasn’t the whole ban cause china is brainwashing people with it?
No because America could not control the content and were escaping the American brainwashing.
I think it’s more than just that, but that’s the leading excuse they are running with. Not being able to tax it to kingdom come and influence algorithms is also reasons.
Legit question @people who know more about Theo than me, but isn’t Theo like, actually a pretty nice guy, even if right wing? Dude kinda reminds me a bit of Destin from SmarterEveryDay, who’s obviously on the redneck side of things, is right wing as far as I can tell, but is still extremely knowledgeable, incredibly chill, and actually cares about the foundations of his stances and doesn’t buy into divisionist rhetorics.
I might be assuming things and jumping to conclusions, which is why I am asking this, but I vaguely recall a video he made which clearly showed he held right wing positions but had no issue tearing down right wing propaganda and stances if they were bullshit.
Eh, going back at least as far as his real world days, he’s always been about being edgy and asinine. I’ve never heard of him directly fucking people over, but I can’t call him nice just because he uses a degree of manners in public.
It isn’t about his political views, idgaf about that as far as this subject goes. Until you get into actual extremists, the kind of right or left wing folks that make up the bulk of things tend to not be assholes in their day to day behavior. They don’t often pound their pulpit non stop, or publicly and directly bash any given group. Theo is like that, in that regard. It’s about him generally behaving as though he has some need to stir shit to feel like he’s funny.
If this is is the guy that recently had Bernie on, then I think he’s mainly poorly informed and unable to realise when a politician is spinning a line for ulterior motives.